IT begins as all begins - a random thought, perhaps a dream - some fragment of the man within. You take it and examine it and expand upon it. It grows and grows, and suddenly - there it is.
You are climbing a mountain of life - onward and upward, following the winding paths, dodging the pitfalls, skirting the boulders, charting yet uncharted regions - enjoying the beauty and adventure of the search. The height increases, the view broadens, the perspective clears - a few short steps, and you have reached the peak.
And then you must decide whether forever more this shall remain with you alone or whether it shall be communicated to others - and you decide that it shall be communicated.
You are there and you know you are there - but how? You stand at the peak of your mountain and look below upon a complete but undefinable thing. At the base there are so many approaches - so many different yet similar paths - all, in time, ending at your feet.
And so you take this dream - this living breathing piece of you - and chop it up, so to speak, into small finite bits that seem to "fit" together and in this form present it to the people with the hope that someday they may put them all together and see the dream themselves.
The responsibility then falls upon the reader to take these pieces of a living jigsaw puzzle and put them all together. However, even those most adept in this patient but mechanic art shall never find the view in this alone For, in the chopping and the sorting, some small bits are always lost. And so, upon the reader, falls a second, greater burden - to call upon that source which lights the way for him alone and find the missing parts.
Before you, in the following pages, is a kit which we have chosen to call Plan Theory. The bits and pieces are there, neatly packaged in bundles labeled Sections and Chapters, together with instructions for assembly and some oratory to hint of the view to come.
As you proceed through the text, opening each bundle and absorbing its contents, you should realize that each is but a fragment of the whole.
The view broadens, the perspective clears, the extremes fold to the
middle - and there it is.
Ever since the dawn of man, individuals over the ages have probed the secrets of the universe. In the course of time, the great philosophers have come and gone, leaving a heritage of theories and predictions for those who followed them. The great masses of the Earth have been enslaved and freed, bought and sold and again sold in the gigantic complex of forces which constitute our environment. Each man in his time chooses one of the many winding paths and begins his journey, slowly climbing the mountain of life.
PLAN THEORYLet us now thrust our pick into the mountain of life and begin our climb. Let us follow the winding, twisting paths and forge our way towards the peak. The road is not an easy one. Along the way lie the massive traps and pitfalls of life. We shall endeavor to search out these and skirt about them. If we succeed, we shall be one of the privileged few who has had the opportunity to look down from the peak of the mountain upon the masses of the universe and see all things, for the first time, in their true perspective.
ALPHA SEQUENCE - Alphabetical Order
GAMMA SEQUENCE - Chronological Order
DELTA SEQUENCE- Continuity Order
To avoid the creation of a loop in the Delta sequence of our definitions, we shall treat the term 'set' as an undefined term in this text. Instead, we say that a SET is a collection of certain elementary components called MEMBERS . These members may be of two basic types, tangible and intangible. We refer to intangible members of a set as DATA and to tangible members, as MATTER. If some of the members of a set are matter, the set may be referred to as a STRUCTURE.
A set may contain many members, simply one member, or no members at all. If a set contains no members, it is called an EMPTY SET and is symbolized by "0". A non-empty set is said to be FINITE if all of its members can be completely described, listed, cataloged, etc. by ordinary methods; if this cannot be done it is said to be INFINITE. If a set contains all members, i.e., all data and mater in a specified area, it is referred to as a UNIVERSAL SET. In a technical sense, the "specified area" must be "our entire universe", but, in a more general sense, it may be any area.
A set, A, is said to be a SUBSET of another set, B, if and only if set B contains every member of set A. The prefix "sub-" suggests that there would be at least one member of set B which was not contained in set A. If this is the case, set A is said to be a PROPER SUBSET of set B or, simply a subset of set B. It is possible, however, that every member of set A is a member of set B and every member of set B is a member of set A, i.e., they are identical. Technically, in this case, set A would still be considered a subset of set B but, to distinguish it from the more probable case, it is called an IMPROPER SUBSET.
The ABSOLUTE COMPLEMENT of a set, A, is that set, denoted by A', which contains every member of the technical universal set which is not contained in set A. The absolute complement, then, is the complement of a set with respect to the Universe. Although this type of complement has definite uses, we will be concerned mainly with the complement of a set with respect to another set, the relative complement. The RELATIVE COMPLEMENT of a set, A, with respect to another set, B, is that set, denoted by A'B, which contains those and only those members of set B which are not contained in set A.BASIC NOTATIONS
Certain elementary notations are used in set theory, some of which are illustrated by figures 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4. References to specific sets in the following discussions refer to these figures.
Sets are usually identified by capital letters of the English alphabet. Average sets, such as set A, are diagrammed as circles and their members (if any) are specified (if desired) by placing their names or identifying symbols within the circle. Universal sets are diagrammed as rectangles and are identified by a symbol placed in the upper left hand corner. In the case of a technical universal set, such as the set in figure 1-3, the single letter "U" is used. In the case of a general universal set, such as that shown in figure 1-4, the symbol "U" is used with a subscript giving the sets' name or identifying symbol.
If it is desired to list the members of a set, they are placed in brackets, e.g., the members of set A would be listed as {a,b,c,d,e}. All members of a set need not be listed if the set has many members and they form some obvious sequence. For example, the set consisting of the letters of the English alphabet could be listed {a,b,c, ... ,x,y,z}, the "..." standing for the omitted letters.
When sets having members in common are diagrammed, it is customary to show the sets "mapped over" one another to illustrate their configuration. For example, since set B is a subset of set A, the two sets could be diagrammed either as they are in figure 1-1 or as they are in figure 1-2 but, in figure 1-2 their relationship is more obvious.
Diagrams are particularly helpful in illustrating complements- especially relative complements. Examples of complements in the figures below are:
A' is all data and matter in this Universe except the first five letters of the English alphabet.
B'A is {a,b}
A'B is {0}
A'C is {n,o}
A'D is {f,g,h,i}
D'A is {a,b,c,d}
If one is given a non-empty set, there are only two basic things that one can "do to it". One can either add members to it or delete members from it. We refer to the act of adding members to a set as PROGRAMMING and to the act of deleting members from a set as REPROGRAMMING. When one or both of these operations are performed upon a set and the exact operation(s) are unknown or are irrelevant, we say that the set is MODIFIED.
A set is referred to as STATIC if it is not undergoing programming or reprogramming. If the diagrams of two static sets, A and B, are mapped over one another, there are only three basic configurations that can occur. The two sets can have no members in common, some members in common, or all members in common.
Besides the two fundamental operations we discussed earlier, programming and reprogramming, there are two special types of modification that we will use throughout this text, union and integration.
If a previously empty set is programmed with the members of two sets, A and B, then the previously empty set is said to be the UNION of the two sets, A and B, and is denoted by A U B. Union, then, is a kind of "set addition". In the process of forming set A U B, not necessarily all of the members of the two sets, A and B, were used. If they were all used, i.e., if both set A and set B are subsets of set A U B, then the two sets are said to have been MERGED. However, if set A and/or set B is not a subset of set A U B, i.e., some members were deleted in the process, the two sets are said to have been COLLATED.
Let us consider the two sets A and D shown in figure 1-4. If we program
set D with the members a, b, c, and d (from set A) and we also program
set A with the members f, g, h, and i (from set D), then the two sets will
become congruent.
Similarly, if we reprogram set A to delete the members a, b, c, and
d and we also reprogram set D to delete the members f, g, h, and i, the
two sets will also become congruent. Note that in both processes we have
been dealing with relative complements;
{a,b,c,d} is D'A and {f,g,h,i} is A'D. This
method of modifying two non congruent sets so that they become congruent
is called INTEGRATION.
As we have seen, one may integrate two sets by either programming or reprogramming. These two methods are formally presented in the following properties.
PR-1-1 Integration Through Programming
Given two non congruent sets, A and B:
If set A is programmed with A'B and set B is programmed with B'A, then the two sets, A and B, will become congruent.
PR-1-2 Integration Through Reprogramming
Given two non congruent sets, A and B:
If set A is reprogrammed to delete B'A and set B is reprogrammed to
delete A'B, then the two sets, A and B, will become congruent.
A set is referred to as DYNAMIC if it is undergoing programming or reprogramming.
Congruence and Complementary State
Like static sets, two dynamic sets may also intersect. However, in this case, there are two basic possibilities. Consider the case of the two sets, A and D, shown in figure 1-4. If we agree that both of these sets are dynamic, then members are continually being added to them and/or deleted from them. Let us suppose that set A is programmed with a member and set D is programmed with a member. If the members are congruent, the sets will tend to get "closer together"; if they are not congruent, the sets will tend to get "farther apart". Similarly, if each of the sets is reprogrammed to delete one member they will tend to get closer together if the members deleted were not contained in their intersection and farther apart if they were. In this case, if the latter were true, the two sets would become complementary.
When dealing with dynamic sets, then, it is convenient to split the state of intersection into two separate cases. Two non congruent dynamic sets are said to CONVERGE if they continually approach a congruent state and to DIVERGE if they continually approach a complementary state. If two dynamic sets, A and B, converge, the relationship is denoted by A< B; if they diverge, the relationship is denoted by A > B. Both notations are commutative.
The conditions under which two dynamic sets will remain congruent or complementary, or will converge or diverge under programming and under reprogramming are given in eight properties which treat all primary cases.
These properties follow, concluding our discussion of set theory.
PR-1-3 Invariance From Complementary State Under Programming (Fig. 1-5)
Given four sets, A, Ak, B and Bk, such that no two of the sets intersect:
If, periodically, set A is programmed with a member of Ak and set B is programmed with a member of Bk, then the two sets, A and B, will remain complementary.
PR-1-4 Invariance From Complementary State Under Reprogramming (Fig. 1-6) Given two complementary sets, A and B.
If, periodically, set A is reprogrammed to delete one of its members and set B is reprogrammed to delete one of its members, then the two sets, A and B, will remain complementary.
PR-1-5 Invariance Prom Congruence Under Programming (Pig. 1-7)
Given four sets, A, Ac, B and Bc such that set A is congruent to set B and set Ac is congruent to set Bc:
If, periodically, set A is programmed with a member of set Ac and set B is programmed with the congruent member of set Bc, then the two sets, A and B, will remain congruent.
PR-1-6 Invariance Prom Congruence Under Reprogramming (Fig. 1-8)
Given two congruent sets, A and B:
If, periodically, set A is reprogrammed to delete one of its members and set B is reprogrammed to delete the member which is congruent to that member which was deleted from set A, then the two sets, A and B, will remain congruent.
PR-1 -7 Convergence Under Programming (Fig. 1-9)
Given four sets, A, Ac, B and Bc, such that set
A is not congruent to set B and set Ac is congruent to set Bc:
If, periodically, set A is programmed with a member of set Ac and set B is programmed with the congruent member of set Bc, then the two sets, A and B, will converge, approaching congruence as a limit.
PR-1-8 Convergence under Reprogramming (Fig. 1-10)
Given two intersecting sets, A and B:
If, periodically, the subset of set A, B'A, is reprogrammed to delete one of its members and the subset of set B, A'B, is reprogrammed to delete one of its members, then the two sets, A and B, will converge, eventually becoming congruent.
PR-1-9 Divergence Under Programming (Fig. 1-11)
Given four sets, A, Ak, B and Bk, such that set A is not complementary to set B and set Ak is complementary to set Bk:
If, periodically, set A is programmed with a member of Ak and set B is programmed with a member of Bk, then the two sets, A and B, will diverge, approaching a complementary state as a limit.
PR-1-10 Divergence Under Reprogramming (Fig. 1-12)
Given two intersecting sets, A and B:
If, periodically, the common subset of the two sets, A and B, set A(intersect)B, is reprogrammed to delete one of its members, then the two sets, A and B, will diverge, eventually becoming complementary.
The set of properties 1-1 though 1-10 are referred to collectively
as the SET THEORY PROPERTIES. Because of their importance in the text,
we restate them here in a more general form.
PR-1 -1 Integration Through Programming
If two non-congruent sets are programmed with their relative complements, then they will become congruent.
PR-1 -2 Integration Through Reprogramming
If two non-congruent sets are reprogrammed to delete their relative complements, then they will become congruent.
PR-1 -3 Invariance From Complementary State Under Programming
Two complementary sets will remain complementary under programming PROVIDED that no member with which one set is programmed is a member of the other set.
PR-1-4 Invariance From Complementary State Under Reprogramming
Two complementary sets will remain complementary under reprogramming.
PR-1-5 Invariance From Congruence Under Programming
If two congruent sets are programmed with congruent members, then they will remain congruent.
PR-1-6 Invariance From Congruence Under Reprogramming
If two congruent sets are reprogrammed to delete congruent members, then they will remain congruent.
PR-1-7 Convergence Under Programming
If two non-congruent sets are programmed with congruent members, then they tend to converge, approaching congruence as a limit.
PR-1-8 Convergence Under Reprogramming
If two non-congruent sets are reprogrammed to delete members not contained in their intersection, then they converge and eventually become congruent.
PR-1 -9 Divergence Under Programming
If two non-complementary sets are programmed with non-congruent members, then they tend to diverge, approaching a complementary state as a limit.
PR-1 -10 Divergence Under Reprogramming
If two intersecting sets are reprogrammed to delete members contained
in their intersection, then they diverge and eventually become complementary.
Let us consider the case of two sets, A and B. We wish to determine
a method for establishing a correspondence between the members of set A
and the members of set B. To accomplish this, we introduce a third set,
C, and assign to set C the task of performing a certain operation
upon the members of set A which will transform each member of set A into
a member of set B. We then pair each member of set A with that member of
set B into which it was transformed, thus establishing the desired correspondence.
Let us agree to refer to set C as a PROCESSOR since its task is to "process"
the members of set A. For purposes of identification, let us also agree
to refer to set A as the DOMAIN of the processor and set B as the RANGE
of the processor. The members of the domain and range of a processor will
usually be referred to respectively as DOMAIN MEMBERS and RANGE MEMBERS.
The set formed by a specific processor together with its range and domain
is called a FUNCTION.
We refer to that correspondence established between a member of the
domain of a processor and a member of the range of that processor by pairing
the domain member upon which the processor performs a certain operation
with the range member which results from that operation as an ORDERED PAIR.
When it is desired to list ordered pairs, they are presented in the general
form (Domain Member , Range Member), the domain member always being placed
first. The method in which a given function's processor forms ordered pairs
is called the PLAN OF OPERATION of the function.
In a way, one might say that domain members "initiate" the action of
a processor since it is these members upon which the processor performs
a certain operation. Similarly, one might say that range members "terminate"
the action of a processor since these members are the results, so to speak,
of the process.
In general discussions, the exact members of the domain and/or the range of a given processor are irrelevant. In such cases, we specify that the domain and/or the range of the given processor is to be considered to indicate that it may (but not necessarily does) contain any member of the technical universal set.
A set so constructed that each of its members is also a member of one
or more of the three basic parts of a function, i.e., a subset of a function,
is called a PROGRAM.
The range member with which a given domain member is paired is entirely
relative to the processor doing the pairing. Different processors have
different plans of operation and form different ordered pairs. Because
of this fact, an ordered pair " itself" has no meaning at all; one must
know the processor which formed it for it to have any significance. Hence,
when ordered pairs are listed, if the processor is not obvious from the
context, some form of notation must be employed which will show
the processor. We shall use two forms of notation in this text,
the statement notation and the standard function notation.
Processors are diagrammed as triangles and their members are specified
(if desired) by placing their names or identifying symbols within the triangle.
Domains and ranges of processors are diagrammed as are average sets.
In a function, it is the duty of the processor to pair every domain
member with a range member. A given processor may or may not be capable
of doing this. If a processor is capable of assigning a range member to
every domain member it encounters, then the processor is said to be NORMAL.
If, however, there exists any domain member to which the processor is incapable
of assigning a range member, then the processor is said to be ABNORMAL.
If a processor is abnormal, the cause can probably be traced to two
very basic reasons. First, of course, it is possible that the right range
member simply does not exist. However, it is also possible that some subset
of the processor, by its existence, is preventing the processor from choosing
a range member which it would freely pair with the domain member if the
subset were deleted. We refer to such a subset as an INHIBITOR.
It is often desired to change the state of a processor, i.e., force
a normal processor to become abnormal and visa versa. Basically,
the state of a processor can be changed by modifying it and/or its domain.
Many specialized methods can be developed once one becomes familiar with
a specific case.
Because certain basic terms in this concept are used frequently throughout
the text, certain standard abbreviations have been chosen. The terms and
their abbreviations are:
Processor | P or p |
Domain | D or d |
Range | R or r |
Domain member | DM or dm |
Range member | RM or rm |
Function | F or f |
Ordered pair | OP or op |
The three basic parts of a function - the processor, the domain of the
processor and the range of the processor - are all variables. We may define
the processor so that it will operate any way that we desire it to operate
and we may specify the members of the domain and range at our option. It
should be obvious that virtually everything in existence can be put into
the form of a function by carefully defining these variables - from the
coffee grinder in the corner drug store to the most complex organic structures
In this chapter, we will confine ourselves to general types of functions
and will then expand upon these basic concepts in later chapters.
Since the processor of a function set, it may, like any set, be either
static or dynamic. We refer to a function whose processor is a static set
Intuition would suggest that a given static function would pair different domain members with different range members, i.e., that the range members chosen would be relative to the domain members processed. It is possible, however, that a processor would pair every domain member with the same range member. We distinguish between these two possibilities by referring to a static function whose processor forms ordered pairs such that the range members of all ordered pairs formed are congruent as a CONSTANT STATIC FUNCTION and referring to a static function whose processor forms ordered pairs such that the range member of each pair is relative to the domain member with which it is paired as a VARIABLE STATIC FUNCTION.
Static Function Properties
All static functions conform to the following four properties which
we refer to collectively as the STATIC FUNCTION PROPERTIES.
Application of Set Theory Properties
Since, as we have said, the processor of a function is a set, we may use any applicable set theory properties in dealing with it. In the case of the static function, we are limited to the two integration properties, integration through programming and integration through reprogramming. However, these two properties are very useful in the light of the first two static function properties. These two properties tell us the characteristics of functions whose processors are congruent and the integration properties tell us how we can make two or more processors congruent.
Special Properties
Often, we are confronted with a situation in which we know some, but not all, of the three basic parts of a given function. Under certain conditions, the unknown parts can be determined; these conditions are given in the following properties
Besides the two possibilities covered by PR-1-15 and PR-1 -16, it is also possible that one would know the ordered pairs that a processor had formed but not the processor. We refer to the act of determining a processor which will form a given set of ordered pairs as RATIONALIZATION.
PR-1 -17 The Rationalization Property
Let Fs be a static function, Ps be its processor, Ds be the
domain of Ps and Rs be the range of Ps.
When every member of
has been processed by Ps, Ps will have formed
ordered pairs.
If n of the x ordered pairs formed by Ps of Fs
are known,
then the configuration of Ps can be approximated, the approximated
configuration approaching the actual configuration as n approaches x.
In purely theoretical matters, it is convenient to use the standard set theory definitions of congruence and complementary state; however, in applied discussions, such as we will encounter later in the text, it is rather difficult to simply "look" at a processor and see if every member of it is a member of another processor and vice versa.
Consequently, when the set theory definitions become impractical, some other form of definitions must be derived to replace them. When this occurs, we shall use a form centered around the ordered pairs which the processors in question form. From static function I and static function III we know that if two processors process the same domain member, they will pair it with congruent range members if they are congruent and non-congruent range members if they are complementary. We can say, therefore, that two processors are congruent if the sets of ordered pairs which they form from the same domain members are congruent and that two processors are complementary if the sets of ordered pairs which they form from congruent domain members are complementary.
When a processor forms an ordered pair, not necessarily all of the processor's members were responsible for the formation. That subset of a processor which is actually responsible for the formation of a given set of ordered pairs is said to be the RELATIVE SUBSET of the processor with respect to the given set of ordered pairs. If two processors intersect, the ordered pairs formed from a given domain member will be congruent if the relative subset is contained in the intersection and non-congruent if it is not. When dealing with functions, then, intersection is simply a combination of congruence and complementary state. Consequently, if two processors intersect, it is convenient to just "split them up" into sufficiently small relative subsets and label the subsets "congruent" or "complementary".
The concept, of which this "idea" is a part, is commonly called COMPARTMENTALIZATION.
Because of the importance of the properties presented in this article, we restate them here in a more general form.
PR-1-11 Static Function I
Congruent processors will pair congruent domain members with congruent range members.
PR-1-12 Static Function II
Congruent processors will form ordered pairs with non-congruent range members when the domain members processed are not congruent.
PR-1-13 Static Function III
Complementary processors will pair congruent domain members with non-congruent range members.
PR-1-14 Static Function IV
Complementary processors will form ordered pairs with congruent range members only if the domain members processed are not congruent.
PR-1-15 The Prediction Property
The nature of a function's range may be determined through knowledge of its processor and domain.
PR-1-16 The Historical Property
The nature of a function's domain may be determined through knowledge of its processor and range.
PR-1-17 The Rationalization Property
The nature of a function's processor may be determined through knowledge
of the ordered pairs it has formed, the accuracy being relative to the
quantity of ordered pairs known.
A DYNAMIC FUNCTION is a function whose processor is a dynamic set. Since the processor is dynamic, it is continually undergoing modification. The changes which occur in the processor may or may not have some relation to the domain members which are processed. On the basis of the relationship which exists, we subdivide dynamic functions into three basic types as follow:
An INDEPENDENT DYNAMIC FUNCTION is a dynamic function such that the changes which occur in the processor have no relation to the domain members which have been processed.
A TRANSITIONARY DYNAMIC FUNCTION is a dynamic function such that the changes which occur in the processor are partially relative to the domain members which have been processed
A DEPENDENT DYNAMIC FUNCTION is a dynamic function such that the changes which occur in the processor are relative to and only to the domain members which have been processed.
We have little use in this text for the independent dynamic function and the transitionary dynamic function and we shall not discuss them further. We devote the remainder of this article to the properties of the dependent dynamic function.
Dependent Dynamic vs. Static
Let us consider the case of a static processor, Ps. Ps encounters the domain member D1 and pairs it with the range member R1. The process then ends. If Ps would again encounter D1, then it would again pair it with R1 - over and over again.
Now, let us consider the case of a dependent dynamic processor, Pd. Pd encounters the domain member D1 and pairs it with the range
member R1. Then something "happens" to Pd. By
definition, it undergoes some change which is relative to and only to D1.
D1 has "left its mark", so to speak, upon Pd. If
Pd would again encounter D1, it would not necessarily
pair it with R1. It could, of course, but it need not - for
Pd has changed; compared to the Pd a few moments
ago (before D1 was processed) it is a different processor.
Special Relativity
As the processor of a dependent dynamic function forms an ordered pair, certain members come into being whose characteristics are relative to the domain member being processed. When the ordered pair has been formed, these members become part of the processor and contribute to the formation of all future ordered pairs. As the processor forms more and more ordered pairs, it receives more and more such members. We refer to these members which have been added to the processor of a dependent dynamic function because of domain members which have been processed as the processor's PROGRAMMING.
In any function, the range members which are paired with a given set of domain members (hence, the ordered pairs which are formed), are relative to and only to that function's processor. But, in a dependent dynamic function, the processor changes every time it forms an ordered pair because it receives new programming relative to the domain member it just processed. Because of this, the processor of a dependent dynamic function is actually relative to the domain members it has processed (hence, the ordered pairs it has formed).
Since ordered pairs are relative to the processor (in any function) and the processor is relative to all previous ordered pairs formed (in a dependent dynamic function), one may conclude that, in a dependent dynamic function, a given ordered pair is actually relative to all ordered pairs which were formed before it.
We refer to a sequence of events, each succeeding phase of which is determined by all preceding phases as a CONTINUUM. A subset of a continuum, i.e., some part of the sequence, is called an INTERIM. We say that the ordered pairs formed by the processor of a dependent dynamic function form a continuum when placed in Gamma sequence.
Because of the significance of the sequence in which ordered pairs are
formed in a dependent dynamic function, the conventional notations we discussed
earlier are usually of little value. We therefore expand the standard function
notation so that the additional variables are taken into consideration.
We shall present ordered pairs formed by dependent dynamic functions in
the general form
The specification of a definite interim allows us to omit any preceding or succeeding operations in which we may not be interested. The specific applications of this notation, the form may be abbreviated to exclude any unnecessary material; however, as this is done, one approaches the original standard function notation.
Application of Static Function Properties
As we have stated, a dependent dynamic function's processor undergoes
programming upon completion of the formation of each ordered pair. During
the interim between the time it completes the formation of an ordered pair
and the time it begins to process another domain member, however, it undergoes
no modification. We refer to this interim as an INSTANT. During each instant,
the processor is static and, consequently, all static function properties
are applicable.
Application of Set Theory Properties
Since we are dealing with dynamic sets, all ten set theory properties apply. Of special interest, however, are the four properties which deal with dynamic sets undergoing programming, for, as we have said, a dependent dynamic function's processor undergoes programming each time it forms an ordered pair. To see the possible applications more clearly, we restate these properties here, applied to our discussion.
Invariance From Complementary State Under Programming.
If two dependent dynamic functions have complementary processors, then they will probably remain complementary if the processor's domains remain complementary.
Invariance From Congruence Under Programming
If two dependent dynamic functions have congruent processors, then they will remain congruent if the processors process congruent domain members in identical sequences.
Convergence Under Programming
If two dependent dynamic functions have non-congruent processors, then they will converge if the processors continue to process congruent domain members in identical sequences.
Divergence Under Programming
If two dependent dynamic functions have non-complementary processors, then they will tend to diverge if the processor's domains remain complementary.
The second property given is absolute; the others are approximations. In general, the probability is in favor of their occurrence, but they not necessarily true in all cases. However, in applied discussions, all are quite useful.
The Projection Property
The static function properties, which may be applied to dependent dynamic functions during instants, become much more useful when one has a method of "following" the processor as it changes from instant to instant. The Projection Property is designed to fill this gap.
PR-1-18 The Projection Property
Let Fv be a dependent dynamic function and Pv
be its processor. Pvat time = T can be determined if Pv
at time = (T-X) is known and all ordered pairs formed by Pv
during the interim X are known in Gamma sequence.
Change of State
Like any function, a dependent dynamic function may be normal or abnormal. However, when one discusses methods of changing the state, a few more factors become relative. In all functions, state may be changed by modification of the processor and/or its domain. In this case, however, the processor is continually undergoing modification, this modification being relative to the domain members processed. Consequently, one might be able to change state simply by changing the sequence in which the domain members are processed.
Again, more sophisticated methods are best developed when one is dealing
with a special case, but the fact that a processor is dynamic adds many
additional possibilities.
We are given a certain dependent dynamic function and we wish that function's processor to choose from its range a certain range member and pair it with some domain member. It is not relevant which domain member is used; it is relevant only that a certain previously selected range member is paired with a domain member. The General Power Axiom tells us that whatever range member we choose, we can find a domain member with which that function's processor will pair it.
When the General Power Axiom is applied to a special case, there are two basic possibilities.
First, it is possible that, for the range member we have chosen, there is a domain member which, if processed now, would be paired with it. If this is the case, then Z need only consist of one member.
Secondly, however, it is also possible that, at present, no domain member
exists which the processor will pair with our chosen range member. In this
case, it is necessary to modify the processor so that a domain member does
exist. We recall that, in dependent dynamic functions, the processor is
continually changing and that this change is relative to the domain members
processed. To modify the processor, then, we define a subset of the processor's
domain, Z, such that its members, when processed in a certain sequence,
will change the processor in such a manner that the last domain member
of the sequence will be paired with our chosen range member.
When a function's processor encounters a domain member, it "takes" the member and performs a certain operation upon it. At the conclusion of this process, the domain member has been transformed into a range member. Range members, then, are the results of the operations of a processor - the things they "produce", so to speak. We wish to determine a basic method by which the range members yielded by a processor can be controlled.
The General Power Axiom tells us that, in a dependent dynamic function, for any range member we choose, there exists a domain member which, if processed, would be paired with the chosen range member. The axiom tells us that this resource exists, but not how to tap it. Obviously, if we knew the "right" domain members to use, we could control the function.
The range member which is formed from a given domain member is relative to the processor. Hence, if we are familiar with the method in which a given processor forms ordered pairs, we can figure out what domain member need be processed to yield a certain range member. If our examination reveals that no domain member exists which will do this, we can change the processor (of a dependent dynamic function) so that a domain member does exist by allowing it to process certain carefully selected domain members. Once the processor has been sufficiently modified, we can obtain our desired range member.
The fact that the processor of a dependent dynamic function changes each time it processes a domain member provides a convenient method of modifying it. However, the sane results could be obtained by simply "taking" the processor and directly modifying it so that it conforms to our wishes. In this case, since the changes would not now be completely relative to the domain members processed, the function would become a transitionary dynamic function.
Similarly, one could apply the General Power Axiom to static functions by arbitrarily modifying their processors so that desired range members could be obtained. During the period of modification, the static functions would become independent dynamic functions, their change being relative to the person or thing doing the modifying (as opposed to the domain members processed).
In all of these cases, control of the range members produced has depended upon an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the processor of the function involved - the processor's plan of operation. Once this is known, many elaborate methods of control can be derived.
So far, we have discussed functions - static and dynamic. But, when
we use the term "function" in its most general sense, what do we mean?
As we have said, virtually everything can be put into the form of a function.
Consequently, virtually anything can be controlled if one is intimately
familiar with the method in which it operates.
We formally state these conclusions in the General Control Theorem.
T-1 -1 General Control TheoremAnything can be controlled through knowledge of its plan of operation.
In Chapter One we went through certain basic concepts in as purely an abstract and detached manner as possible. We will see these concepts, again and again through the text.
In this chapter, we shall apply the pure notions of Chapter One to that class of things which we call Synthetic structures. By SYNTHETIC, we refer to those things which are a product of man as opposed to a product of nature.
In Chapter Three, we will discuss Natural structures.
We divide Inorganic Structures into three basic types, The "tool', the "machine", and the "computer".
We refer to a TOOL as an inorganic structure capable of performing a limited number of specific static functions ONLY with the assistance of a machine, computer, or organic structure.
We refer to a MACHINE as an inorganic structure capable of performing a limited number of specific static functions.
We refer to a COMPUTER as an inorganic structure capable of performing
any static operation.
The Computer is mainly concerned with the processing of Data, and the
Tool is mainly concerned with the processing of matter. The Machine, the
transient class, is concerned a little bit with both functions.
Recall from Chapter one the notion of a processor, domain, and range of a function and the ordered pair.
An INORGANIC FUNCTION is a function whose processor is either a computer or a machine or a tool, or, more technically phrased, a function whose processor is an inorganic structure.
A domain member of an inorganic function is called a PROBLEM. A range member of an inorganic function is called a SOLUTION,
The ordered-pair formed by an inorganic function is called a DECISION. This ordered-pair has the general form (P,S), where P a specific problem and S a specific solution.
Inorganic Functions can be classified as static or dynamic. Under static, there are constant and variable types. Under dynamic, there are both dependent and independent.
The ability of an inorganic structure to continuously perform its intended
function is called TOLERANCE. An inorganic structure operates normally
within the constraints of TOLERANCE and abnormally elsewhere, where malfunctions
In programming, the basic relevant factors are the Set, the Sequence and the programming method.
The two basic types of programming are DIRECT PROGRAMMING and INDIRECT
BY DIRECT PROGRAMMING, we refer to the case when domain members need
not be interpreted to be processed, i.e., domain members are already in
the "Native language", so to speak, of the processor.
BY INDIRECT PROGRAMMING, we refer to the case when domain members must be interpreted before they can be processed, i.e., they are not in the so called "native language".
When dealing with the COMPUTER, we call direct programming the OBJECT
PROGRAM and we refer to indirect programming as the SOURCE PROGRAM.
The stages in processing consist of Interpreting, processing and coding.
We call that subset of a processor which transforms indirect programming
into a form which the processor can comprehend the INTERPRETER.
We call that subset of a processor which transforms indirect programming
which has been processed from the processor's "language" to the language
in which it was programmed the CODER.
In processing, when a problem is encountered, it may be paired with
a solution if a sufficient solution exists. If a sufficient solution does
not exist, the problem may be stored.
If the requested rate of processing exceeds tolerance, we may see an
overload condition develop.
Relevant factors in processing, by summary, are the notion of programming
and consequences relative to programming rate. And there is the consideration
of the processor's contents and tolerance.
In inorganic structures, all things relative to the structure are relative to its programming.
Control methods for inorganic structures may be obtained by applying the appropriate properties for general functions from Chapter one. Specifically:
For Comparing Use:
For Developing Use:
For Control use set theory properties 1-1 through 1-10 inclusive.
A synthetic organic structure produced entirely by man from previously inorganic materials is called an ANDROID.
In Chapter Three we will be discussing natural organic structures, and we will introduce the concept of a special characteristic of these structures which we call "Identity".
Inorganic structures do not possess this property. ANDROIDS are a transient
class between inorganic structures and natural organic structures.
The notion of the ANDROID class and the implications of comparisons
between inorganic structures, ANDROIDS, and natural organic structures
present interesting philosophic problems which are covered later on.
In this chapter we will discuss NATURAL functions. When we say NATURAL
we refer to a product of nature as opposed to a product of man. Products
of man are called SYNTHETIC, and were discussed in chapter two.
In Chapter Two, we discussed Computers, Machines, and Tools and we touched on the notion of a type of synthetic organic structure called an Android.
In this chapter, we will be discussing Individuals. Individuals are not Computers, Machines, or Tools - and they are not Androids. However, certain patterns of operation seen in Individuals, can be duplicated by constructing an analog model using Computers, Machines, and Tools. And certain other patterns of operation cannot be explained by such analog models.
We wish, then, to introduce a new term, which we call IDENTITY, and to define IDENTITY by exclusion in the following manner: Let set A be the. set of Computers, Machines and Tools together with all things relating to them, physically and abstractly and Let set B be the set of all human beings, together with all things relating to them, physically and abstractly. Now consider the set A'B, the relative complement, or the set of things in set B which are not in set A. The things in set A'B we call IDENTITY.
We say that an INDIVIDUAL is a natural organic structure and possesses
IDENTITY. And we say that an ANDROID is a synthetic organic structure and
does not possess IDENTITY.
In set theory format, we can say that naturally occurring organisms
are formed as a result of the intersection of two parent sets, representing
parents of the new organism.
We say in a physical sense that a structure composed of GENETIC KEYS provides information. The information is in the format of a design of these GENETIC KEYS and so the program is the GENETIC KEY DESIGN PROGRAM (KDP). There are relatively few GENETIC KEYS as compared to the possibilities of the design of these " keys".
Organic structures form dependent dynamic functions and the concept relating to this that we wish to note here is that people change from day to day. IDENTITY, or the notion we evoke by using this word, has been basically discussed. Now, we will be a bit more practical, and say that in the general structure, we have those things which exist at the instant of conception, and those things which exist at some later point in time. We use Identity to refer to those things existing at the moment of birth and the word PROGRAMMING to refer to those things coming later, as time passes. The PROGRAMMING which is mass-related is called BIOLOGICAL and the programming which is data-related is called PSYCHOLOGICAL.
The BIOLOGICAL PROGRAM consists of ACTIVE MATTER AND DORMANT MATTER, and Identity. The active matter is biological programming capable of easily performing its intended function and the dormant matter is that biological programming which is not capable of easily performing its intended function, at this time.
In the figure below, we schematically represent this idea and we call
this structure, consisting of mass arranged this way, the BODY
The PSYCHOLOGICAL PROGRAM consists of CONSCIOUS DATA AND UNCONSCIOUS DATA and Identity. The conscious data is that psychological programming that is easily recalled and the unconscious data is that psychological programming that is not easily recalled, at this time.
In the figure below, we schematically represent this idea and we call this structure, consisting of mass arranged this way, the MIND.
From the theoretical ideas of Chapter One, we now model a concept for organic functions.
A function whose processor is an organic structure is called an ORGANIC FUNCTION. In this function we refer to domain members as STIMULI and to range members as REACTIONS. We abbreviate Stimuli "S" and Reactions "R" and we call the ordered pair formed, in the form "(S,R)" a DECISION.
Certain Stimuli, called DRIVES, are common to all organic structures. The fundamental DRIVES are:
1. Desire for an energy source.
2. Desire to exist within certain environmental parameters.
3. Desire to continue
In the Biological Concept, the Biological Processor is the body. The process whereby the body makes decisions paring stimuli with reactions is called WORK. In doing work, we note a by-product which we call HEAT.
Bodies operate in normal and abnormal states. The notion of TOLERANCE, with respect to the biological processor is the concept that work and its by-product, within tolerance, constitute a normal state and that when tolerance is exceeded an abnormal state results, the ultimate form of which is DEATH.
In the Psychological Concept, the Psychological Processor is the mind. The process whereby the mind makes decisions pairing stimuli with reactions is called DISCRIMINATION. In this decision-making process, we note a by product which we call FRUSTRATION.
Minds operate in normal and abnormal states. The notion of TOLERANCE,
with respect to the psychological processor is the concept that DISCRIMINATION
and its by-product, within tolerance, constitute a normal state and that
when tolerance is exceeded an abnormal state results, the ultimate form
of which we call INSANITY. We note a condition which we call HAPPINESS
well within tolerance and a condition called FRUSTRATION in the neighbor
hood of tolerance.
During life, natural organic structures encounter programming. This programming is biological and psychological.
We want to discuss certain characteristics of programming which are especially relevant.
In programming, the main relevance can be grouped into the areas of the (1) set which is transmitted, (2) the sequence of the members, i.e., order of transmission in time, and (3) the method of transmission.
We are interested in the transmitted set for obvious reasons, and specifically, the contents of the set. Programming may be pure stimuli, in the form "Go do", but in a more realistic look we usually find stimuli, paired and stimuli, unpaired; so programming contains decisions (made elsewhere) with stimuli (decisions not yet made). Special programming consists of drives, which we listed earlier. Drives must be dealt with, because they are a necessary condition for survival.
Regardless of what is in a set of programming, the sequence of the program in time has essentially equivalent merit or weight. This is due to the theoretical concept of a dependent dynamic function which was discussed in Chapter One, which is more obvious here from a practical standpoint. Since, as stimuli are encountered and processed, there is a change in the organism, given a program and a second program with the same contents but different sequential order, there would be a completely different end result if two completely identical organisms were given these programs.
Our last point is certain differences in the methods by which programming
is received. These are more obvious with psychological programming. Mainly
there are direct and indirect methods, which are intuitively obvious. The
direct methods take the form "Now, Look" where there is an inward or outward
motivation to accept this program and then there are indirect methods such
as passive observation with minimum motivation (Now, Look) where information
lust "comes".
We now wish to turn our attention to a special characteristic of indirect psychological programming. Comprehension of this concept requires a certain amount of insight which the reader should have. This discussion parametrically defines the concept, which we have chosen to call COLORING.
We say a COLOR is a plane or level of communication which exists among
the members of a subset of a society because a set of data exists in the
intersection of the memories of the members of the given subset which does
not exist in the memories of the remaining members of the given society.
The ability of an organism to comprehend the various colors which exist
in its environment is called DENSITY. COLORS are rated on a scale from
high to low representing a band of degree of obscurity from most to least.
We say low DENSITY to imply high perception and high DENSITY to imply low
perception of these levels.
DENSITY ratings can be absolute or relative. ABSOLUTE DENSITY ratings refer to the density of an organism with respect to an established or fixed static standard. The concept of RELATIVE DENSITY refers to the density of a given organism with respect to the density of another organism. The RELATIVE DENSITY of an organism, A, with respect to another organism, B, is that quantity of colors which organism A can comprehend above or below, denoted by + or - respectively, that quantity of colors which organism B can comprehend.
Continuing, we introduce the concept of OBJECT and PATTERN. LOGIC is a set of data related and oriented around an object and/or the methods to be used in attempting to achieve the object. We call OBJECT LOGIC a set of data oriented around a real or imaginary OBJECT which is to be achieved, i.e., the "end" as opposed to the "means". We call PATTERN LOGIC a set of data oriented around the method to be used in achieving a real or imaginary object, i.e., the "means" as opposed to the "end".
To get formal, if we make up a table of colors and arrange them in order by sophistication and start with, say, 00 at the low end and end with 99 at the high end, we can set up a nomenclature in the form
L xx t
where L is an identifier signifying this coding system, xx is the appropriate two-digit number from the scale, and t is an identifier for the type, say P, for pattern; O for object; M, for a mixed combination; and M, for an unknown type. For example, in the nomenclature, we would read L07P as "Seventh Color Pattern Logic".
Now, getting a little mathy, we can write a definition for the concept of PERCEPTIVENESS as
we can write a definition for the concept of APTITUDE as
APTITUDE = dp/dt where P is Perceptiveness and t is time.
Processing is basically a three part process. In the first part, there is the notion of INTERPRETING. This is the idea that before anything can be done with a stimuli, its existence must be noted and it must be recognized. After this encounter/recognition process the stimuli is handled and a reaction sought. Then there is a final stage called CODING where a format for the expression of the decision is formulated.
We use the term PROCESSING to imply all these events. Taking a random stimuli, one can systematically trace through the process and note various possibilities. Consider a stimuli just encountered. Now, ideally, it will be pared with a reaction. But suppose a sufficient reaction does not exist. Then the Stimuli could be stored, waiting for some later time when a suitable reaction may come to exist. There is also the notion that some type of INHIBITOR may exist, blocking a reaction at this time.
Finding reactions to satisfy stimuli in a routine manner is a normal condition with everything running smoothly. However, things do not necessarily run smoothly in life processes (or most anywhere else) all the time and so we want to look at predictable consequences when routine is not the case. If our stimuli cannot be pared, they will have to be stored. But this is not always possible. One definition of the condition of DEATH is that death occurs when an organism encounters something it cannot deal with (pair, store) and also cannot ignore. BIOLOGICALLY, we cite by obvious example the case of some disease which the immune mechanism cannot handle. The mechanism cannot say "Wait, now until I figure out what to do" if it does not figure out what to do, the body dies. PSYCHOLOGICALLY, things follow this model to a point with anxiety and frustration increasing towards the Tolerance point as a function of time as long as the condition exists.
Processing proceeds at a definite rate. We call the rate at which the processor of an organic function processes the stimuli it encounters INTELLIGENCE. Getting a bit mathy again we define the concept of EFFICIENCY as (INTELLIGENCE) x (DENSITY). In an overload condition, the relative factors in processing combine in contribution to the condition. The relative factors are the information (contents) en the processor, the DENSITY, the INTELLIGENCE, and the TOLERANCE level. One can see, how by taking various situations and changing these factors, that overload conditions can occur in a variety of ways.
SUMMARY - CHARTThe chart below is designed to schematically represent this discussion.
CHANGE OF STATE is the phrase we use to mean the change from a normal to an abnormal condition or vice versa. In this section, discussing natural organic functions, or, more plainly, real people, we want to go through some basic methods of doing changes in state - based on ideas presented previously. By presenting this discussion, methods of applying these previous ideas can be seen. Also, parallels can be drawn to similar analogous situations with models which are not organic functions.
A system goes to an abnormal state mainly because a sufficient reaction does not exist or inhibitors exist or there is an overload condition in the processor. For the case of a sufficient reaction not available, one could supply the reaction or remove the stimuli which are involved. In the case of inhibitors, you can reprogram to remove them -or remove the stimuli that are causing the situation to be relevant. In an overload, you look for methods to increase intelligence or decrease programming rate.
The four basic methods are to remove stimuli, add reactions, remove inhibitors and increase intelligence. Now let us expand a bit.
To remove stimuli, one may reprogram domain, increase the density of the interpreter, and increase the color level of the stimuli.
To add reactions, program the processor with decisions that will increase knowledge and/or motivations to change. Also, you may change the sequence of transmission and/or the method of transmission.
To remove inhibitors you can reprogram to delete or program to neutralize.
To increase intelligence, program to increase knowledge with a view towards the idea that "practice makes perfect" and the notion that the more use is made of the processor, the higher the intelligence, in time.
Synthesis of abnormality, or purposely causing destabilization, is simpler than synthesis of normality - following the general rule that it is easier to destroy than create.
Basically, one can add new stimuli, modify the processor so it cannot handle existing stimuli, or change the nature (color level, e.g.) of existing stimuli so that the change favors destabilization.
Modifications would have the general form of techniques which would decrease intelligence, decrease density, and decrease tolerance with the addition of inhibitors.
Methods of changing the nature of existing stimuli would be to change
the sequence of the stimuli, increase or decrease color level and accelerate
rate of programming.
It is often desirous to speak in terms of generalities. In Natural Systems, this is accomplished by use of the Normal Social Pattern. In general, the NORMAL SOCIAL PATTERN is the set of basic desires common to all organisms. What this set contains is dependent upon how it is defined. We shall rely upon four basic methods of doing this, each of which is defined below. In future reference, the abbreviation "NSP" will be used for Normal Social Pattern and the four subdivisions shall be abbreviated as shown below.
Definition (TNSI)
The TECHNICAL NORMAL SOCIAL PATTERN by INTERSECTION shall be the set formed by the intersection of the Identities of all Individuals in existence. Abbreviation: TNSI
The APPLIED NORMAL SOCIAL PATTERN by INTERSECTION shall be the set formed by the intersection of the Identities of all Individuals in a given society or culture. Abbreviation: ANSI
The TECHNICAL NORMAL SOCIAL PATTERN by MAJORITY shall be the set formed by the data common to over fifty per-cent of the Identities of all Individuals in existence.
Abbreviation: TNSM
The APPLIED NORMAL SOCIAL PATTERN by MAJORITY shall be the set formed by the data common to over fifty per-cent of the Identities of all Individuals in a given society or culture.
Abbreviation: ANSM
At present TNSI is an empty set and the pattern is not defined. Taking into consideration only the inhabitants of our planet would reduce the set to virtually nothing, and the further consideration of all organisms in existence finishes the job.
ANSI exists if the application is made to a sufficiently small enough society.
If TNSM exists at all, it is not large enough to allow the formation of any worthwhile patterns and the probability is that it does not exist at all.
ANSM is used today by psychologists as a basis for normal behavior. The set is applied to this country usually, and can be found listed as the set of "Basic Human Needs" in many texts. Conformance to it indicates that the probability is in favor of the organism being normal.
The two patterns determined by majority, TNSM and ANSM, are simply expressions of basic trends. By definition, they indicate what the majority of the people have in their Identity. Because the average person does or does not have a certain characteristic in his Identity is not a valid reason for the assumption that a specific person should or should not have it. It is merely a statement of probability. The fact of whether a person is normal or not rests solely with the person internally. The confusion of the terms "average" and "normal" results in a philosophy that is unsound.
The two patterns determined by intersection, TNSI and ANSI, are valid
with respect to all organisms in the defined set. Since TNSI does not exist,
we are left only with ANSI. ANSI is useful when applied to small cultures.
It gives us a valid picture of the basic desires of the members of the
culture. The NSP is only completely valid, however, when it is used in
the form of ANSI and applied to a specific Individual. When this is done,
the pattern is identical to his Identity
Whenever it becomes necessary to speak in terms of generalities about a social structure, the group specifically, we will use a plan called the General Social Pattern (GSP). GSP is the set of decisions made by the processors of organisms and is, hence, the set of things that organisms are currently doing as opposed to NSP which is what they want to do and to DPP which is what the powers that be say they are supposed to do. (DPP follows below) GSP is divided basically into four subsets, the definitions and abbreviations for which are shown below.
Definition TGSI
The TECHNICAL GENERAL SOCIAL PATTERN by INTERSECTION shall be the set formed by the intersection of the sets of decisions of all organisms in existence. Abbreviation: TGSI
Definition AGSI
The APPLIED GENERAL SOCIAL PATTERN by INTERSECTION shall be the set formed by the intersection of the sets of decisions of all organisms in a specific society or culture. Abbreviation: AGSI
Definition TGSM
The TECHNICAL GENERAL SOCIAL PATTERN by MAJORITY shall be the set formed by those decisions common to over fifty per-cent of all organisms in existence. Abbreviation: TGSM
Definition AGSM
The APPLIED GENERAL SOCIAL PATTERN by MAJORITY shall be the set formed by those decisions common to over fifty per-cent of all organisms in a specific society or culture. Abbreviation: AGSM
When speaking in generalities about a legal structure, specifically
some form of state, we use a plan called the Dew Process Program (DPP),
which, in effect, the set of laws of the state and, hence, the set of things
that the state feels the people should be doing. DPP
is basically divided into four subsets, each of which is defined below.
We reference to these by abbreviation as the title is lengthy.
Definition TDPI
formed by the intersection of the sets of laws of all states in existence.
Definition ADPI
by the intersection of the sets of laws of all states in a specific area.
Definition TDPM
The TECHNICAL DEW PROCESS PROGRAM by MAJORITY shall be the set formed by those laws common to over fifty per-cent of all states in existence. Abbreviation: TDPM
Definition ADPM
The APPLIED DEW PROCESS PROGRAM by MAJORITY shall be the set formed
by those laws common to over fifty per-cent of all states in a specific
area. Abbreviation: ADPM
All three plans are interrelated in certain ways. Initially, the source for DPP and GSP is NSP. DPP, of course, is "written down somewhere". GSP is also written down, e.g., in psychology texts. NSP is elusive and changing and is the most dynamic of all three. Consequently, in a social order with all three plans operating, there is what is commonly called a "CULTURAL LAG" between the plans as a function of time. In the "lag", NSP moves ahead, GSP follows NSP, and DPP trails behind (it is the hardest to change). The overall effect of this is a general "damping effect" on progress. Also, if there is a large "spread" between the three plans, it becomes possible to make any decision you want and find a way to justify it, or, conversely, to condemn any practice you want and find a way to justify it.
Societies like this are called "transient spaces" and they are covered
in greater detail later on. They are complex systems, where almost "anything
goes" and it is easy to get "lost in the shuffle".
NSP | Normal
Set |
Merging | Normal
Social Pattern |
Selection |
GSP | Group | Collation | General
Social Pattern |
Selection |
DPP | State | Enslaving | Dew
Process Program |
Justice |
NSP | Normal | Abnormal | Happiness | Frustration
Insanity |
GSP | Conformist | Non-conformist | Security | Ostracism |
DPP | Non-criminal | Criminal | Freedom | Modification
Isolation Execution |
We say that a SOCIETY is a set of organisms having some means of intercommunication, together with all inorganic and synthetic organic structures which assist them.
Here, we want to run through some useful analytical guides for examining societies.
INTERRELATIONSHIPS between societies can be studied by models based
on the STATIC FUNCTION PROPERTIES which were given in Chapter One. The
mechanism of application is to note the properties of the collective processors
of the organisms and other things in the society under analysis.
Interrelationships are obviously studied by comparing two societies, but less obviously one should consider comparisons of a society to a society (the same society) at different points on the time line.
BEHAVIOR UNDER MODIFICATION in societies can be analyzed through the
application of the SET THEORY PROPERTIES 1-3 through 1-10 inclusive which
were given in Chapter One.
We have presented the Organic Power Axiom and the Hope Theorem. Now we introduce the notion of control. The General Control Theorem is stated as follows:
FUNDAMENTAL STAGES IN CONTROLTHEOREM: Anything can be controlled through knowledge of its plan of operation.
The fundamental stages in control are observation and application of that learned in observation. We observe by methods of comparison and development.
There are three basic types of control based on what we have discussed
so far. These are Programming, Reprogramming, and a concept that we call
CHANGE OF BASIS which we now introduce.
All things relative to man are relative to the Identity of man. By the phrase CHANGE OF BASIS we mean the modification of an organism's Identity.
PROPERTY: COMPARISON IICongruent organisms will pair congruent stimuli with congruent reactions.
PROPERTY: COMPARISON IIICongruent organisms will form decisions with non-congruent reactions when the stimuli processed are not congruent.
PROPERTY: COMPARISON IVComplementary organisms will pair congruent stimuli with non-congruent reactions.
DevelopmentComplementary organisms will form decisions with congruent reactions only if the stimuli processed are not congruent.
PROPERTY:The nature of the reactions yielded by an organism may be determined through knowledge of the organism and the stimuli it has processed.
PROPERTY: ORGANIC RATIONALIZATION PROPERTYThe nature of the stimuli an organism has processed may be determined through knowledge of the organism and the reactions it has yielded.
The nature of an organism may be determined through knowledge of the decisions it has made, the accuracy being relative to the quantity of decisions known.
PRINCIPLES IN APPLICATIONThe nature of an organism at a given time can be determined if the nature of the organism at a previous time is known and the decisions made by the organism during the interim are known in sequence, as a function of time.
Social Controls
Controls through programming
If two non-congruent organisms are programmed with their relative complements, i.e., those characteristics which they do not have in common, then they will become congruent.ORGANIC INTEGRATION THROUGH PROGRAMMING
If two congruent organisms receive congruent programming, then they will remain congruent.
If two complementary organisms receive complementary programming, then they will remain complementary.
If two non-congruent organisms receive congruent programming, then they will converge, approaching congruence as a limit.
If two non-complementary organisms receive complementary programming, then they will diverge, approaching a complementary state as a limit.
Controls through Reprogramming
If two non-congruent organisms are reprogrammed to delete their relative complements, i.e., those characteristics which they do not have in common, then they will become congruent.
If two congruent organisms are reprogrammed to delete congruent characteristics, then they will remain congruent.
Two complementary organisms will remain complementary under reprogramming.
If two non-congruent organisms are reprogrammed to delete those characteristics which they do not have in common, then they will converge and eventually become congruent.
If two non-complementary organisms are reprogrammed to delete those characteristics which they have in common, then they will diverge and eventually become complementary.
Individual Controls
An organism can be destroyed, i.e., forced to die or go insane, by programming it with a stimulus which it can neither pair nor store.
The state of an organism may be changed by modifying the organism's processor and/or its domain.
All things relative to man are relative, in the final analysis, to the Identity of Man. Therefore, if Identity is changed, then so is all relative to man.
The chart below is designed to impart the ideas presented in SECTION ONE, in a form easy to use for quick reference.SUMMARY FOR SECTION ONE
I stand near the center of a void - a zone of complete darkness and virtual emptiness. I look to the South, East, and West to infinity, and see nothing. I look to the North and see before me a gigantic formless mass of plasma - of the sub atomic particles in elementary form. Such is the state of the Universe. Under terrific gravity, there is no light given off by the mass; nor is there heat emitted. Darkness is upon all that exists.
At length there is a terrific explosion - huge sections of the mass fly out in all directions. As this occurs, the gravity is decreased and the sub atomic particles, now unstable, react violently liberating immense heat and light causing the void to be flooded with illumination.
Again the process is repeated. Each of the original large chunks now blasts into many fragments, each flying out in all directions. These fragments also decompose into smaller bits which break into still smaller ones. At last some of these blast into gas and dust.
Today we know the original chunks as the Galaxies of our Universe. We call the parts into which they decomposed the Solar Systems of the Galaxies. The smaller particles formed by their decomposition are known as the Planets of the Solar Systems. Finally we have the Satellites or Moons of the planets, the Asteroids, and the Comets, Meteorites, space dust, gas, and so forth which formed form the partial or complete decomposition of Planets.
Although the original chunk is now almost completely decomposed, it continues to expand. The Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets, and so forth continue to expand, flying apart at a fantastic rate. The original point where the basic mass was is now empty, giving the universe a doughnut like shape. The great speed of the expanding masses causes the light rays to be stretched out, so to speak, dinning the normally bright light from other Solar Systems and Galaxies and creating the illusion of day and night on many of the planets. The dimmed light is referred to as starlight.
Let us now turn our attention to one insignificant bit of the original mass; a chunk of the Galaxy we call the Milky Way. We know it well - it is our Earth. Let us examine this chunk of mass and observe its properties. Let us look in to the characteristics of its inhabitants and attempt to explain this massive chain of circumstances that we refer to as life. Let us examine its past, observe its present state, and attempt to predict its future course. It is to this task, then, that we now turn our attention.PLAN THEORY
In our discussion of Organic Structure, we formally defined Identity as the data portion of the Key Design Program and briefly examined some of its properties. The subject of man's Identity, however is much farther reaching than a simple definition or a brief examination. Indeed, we will find ourselves referring to it again and again in future discussions. Because of its extreme importance to us, we present a more detailed discussion of the properties of Identity at this time.
Identity is the core of man - the very essence of man's being. A man's Identity distinguishes him from other men as a unique Individual and gives him a place in the highest class of a society. Identity is the basis of all progress - the source of all new ideas. It is the seat of man's drive and determination, his will to search and find - to seek out knowledge and truth. Of all the treasures of the universe, the greatest and most precious possession that an Individual will ever have is his Identity.
To man, Identity gives a unique body and mind - a physical and mental structure that has never occurred before and will never naturally occur again. To his body it imparts a special symmetry - a special beauty, a special configuration of characteristics which are his and his alone. To his mind it gives new data - new concepts and ideas that have heretofore been untapped and unexplored. It stimulates and drives him to fellow some special path not yet charted in the annals of history.
We know our Mental Identity as the hunch, the good guess, the intuitive direction the unlearned knowledge. It leads the Individual to the great invention and discovery. As such, Identity is the basis of all progress and the Individual, the only possessor of Identity, is the only one who can cause progress. All great inventions and discoveries may be directly traced to one Individual - to that one person of vision and determination whose perseverance led him into uncharted territory.
Although all naturally occurring organisms possess Identity, few use it to full capacity. Many disregard the random thought and unique drive to pursue courses already charted. Many sell short their uniqueness and individuality. In time they look to the accomplishments of others and recall to themselves, "I thought of that" when it is too late.
The future of man lies in the hands of those willing to seek knowledge
and uncover the great truths. To those who follow the uncharted paths go
the rewards of life. The Individual will find his greatest reward when
he has followed his Identity and gained an education from himself.
An understanding of the nature of "security" is necessary for the complete understanding of many concepts in Organics. Its formal definition facilitates the defining of future terms related to it. For these reasons, we shall be rather thorough in our discussion so that the concept may be fully understood.
We shall begin with a standard dictionary definition of the term "security" and proceed to our formal definition.
SECURITY, noun (Latin 'securitas', freedom
from care, from 'securus', free from care)
1. A feeling of safety, whether founded on
fact or delusion; freedom from fear or apprehension; confidence of safety; hence, carelessness; overconfidence; want of caution.
2. Freedom from danger or risk; safety.
3. Certainty; assurance; confidence; assuredness
4. One who or that which guards or secures; a defense; a guard; hence, specifically, (a) something given or deposited to secure or as- sure the fulfillment of a promise or the performance of a contract; a pledge; (b) a surety; one who becomes responsible for the obligations of another.
We note that the term is derived from the Latin "securus", indicating a state of freedom or exemption from care. The entire definition concerns itself with the idea of protection - of making someone or something free or exempt from something else, such as from fear and apprehension, dangers and risks, and the like. Using the standard definition as a guide, we now derive a technical definition.Syn.- Protection, shelter, safety, certainty.
To provide safety and certainty, to provide exemptions from risks and dangers, some instrument must be employed to assume responsibility for such dangers. For example, if we wish to provide security with respect to the elements - that is, to secure ourselves or make ourselves exempt from the effects of rain, snow, wind, and the like, we must employ a shelter of some kind to accomplish this. Security, then, is the state existing when something is shielded from something else - some danger or risk, specifically - by some external force. We are, therefore, concerned with three basic things. First, there is some risk or danger that we wish to deal with. Second, there is something that we wish to shield or protect from this risk. And third, there is a means that we will employ to do this.
To aid in the understanding of our technical definition, consider the following example:
A housewife is watching television alone one night when the main fuse blows. All the lights, etc. go off and she is left in total darkness. She doesn't know how to change the fuse and, if there are any fuses around the house, the hasn't the faintest idea where they are. She therefore calls the Electric Company and has a representative come out and change the fuse, restoring power.
The housewife is the Secured Processor. She is unable to process the
stimulus consisting of the burnt out fuse. There is risk involved here.
There might be some burglar waiting outside, etc. She therefore enlists
the aid of a Securer Processor in the form of the Electric Company's representative.
The Securer Processor assumes all responsibility for the processing of
the stimulus.
If there is a burglar, it will attack him. If there is some defect
in the wiring, he will be the one liable to be electrocuted. The housewife
has security with respect to the electric service by virtue of her Securer
Processor, the representative.
Consider the case of an organism whose processor has a domain consisting of "x" stimuli. Let us now introduce a securer processor and assign to it the task of processing "n" of the "x" stimuli in the domain of the organism's processor. Since "n" of the stimuli originally contained in the domain of the organism's processor have now been transferred to the securer processor's domain, the organism's processor's domain now contains only (x-n) stimuli.
If n=0, then the organism's processor is still responsible for processing
all "x" stimuli. If n=1, then there is one less stimulus in the domain
of the organism's processor and, hence, one less decision that the organism
will have to resolve for itself. As the value of 'n" approaches the value
of "x"', there fore, the responsibility for the organism's decisions leans
more and more on the securer processor and less and less on the organism's
processor. When n=x, all the operations of the organism's processor have
been assumed by the securer processor and the organism's processor no longer
In Individuals, naturally-occurring organisms possessing Identity, the processor is determined by the Identity together with the programming. The Identity "colors" the programming since it is the first set of data contained in the processor. In all decisions of Individuals, therefore, a vital part is played by the Identity. Since all Individuals are unique, they yield unique decisions. They are affected differently by congruent stimuli as their processors are all different. As an Individual organism entrusts its decision making to a securer processor, however, less and less of its processor, and hence, less and less of its Identity is put to use. If it entrusts all decisions to a securer processor, Then none of its Identity is used and its mind lies idle.
As an organism entrusts more and more decisions to a securer processor, it gains more and more security, but, in the process, it loses more and more of its Identity. We express this relation- ship in the following theorem, the proof of which has just been presented.
T-4-1. S=1/I
"There exists an inverse proportion between "security" and "Identity"
such that for every unit of "security" gained by an organism, a unit
of the organism's "Identity" is lost."
The following two examples illustrate the sacrifice of Identity to gain
security by special cases:
Example (loss of mental Identity)
Tim has just been hired to a job he has been seeking for some time.
He feels he must make an impression upon his Coworkers that will make them
respect and like him. Although he has his own ideas on many issues that
they discuss, he is apprehensive about their reactions. He feels that he
must sound like "one of the gang" to gain their approval. He therefore
memorizes the polls and surveys in the local paper and, on more personal
matters, tries to pattern himself after the boss' son. In doing this he
gains the respect of the men and the admiration of the boss, but he loses
a large portion of his mental Identity. His securer processors, the newspaper
and the son of his boss, make all decisions for him. He no longer has any
"original" views on anything.
Example (loss of physical Identity)
Jill sees a wonderful handsome boy one day and falls in "love" with him instantly. She is a bit scared, however, as she feels that she might not be his "type". The thought of making a play for him and being rebuked terrifies her. She feels that she must transform herself into his "perfect" mate. She checks with her girl friends and learns that he is extremely fond of fine, shapely blondes with clear complexions and blue eyes. She is a brunette with freckles and a cute, but rather moderate build. She has a uniqueness about her that makes her quite attractive, but she is not 'his type". She therefore arranges for her hair to be bleached and thereby become closer to her boy friend's ideal mate. She undergoes treatments to remove the freckles and has extensive plastic surgery done to modify her figure. Inert foam compounds are injected into her breasts to make her "finer" and other odds and ins are added elsewhere to help things along. She would be glad to change the eyes too if she had enough money and knew how. At last she has completely physically modified herself and is as close as possible to her boy's desires. She meets him and they marry. She gains the security of marriage and of being with the one she "loves" at the loss of her physical Identity (and mental too - she will adapt to his every desire in that line also).
These two examples concern things that could (and do), take place today. The advances in the line of plastic surgery make it possible to change ones physical Identity virtually completely. The new psychochemicals facilitate the complete overhaul of the personality and all mental characteristics. The processes bring one security, but sacrifice the Individual's most precious possession - his Identity.
The inverse between security and Identity represents a basic choice which, in the course of life, all Individuals must make. They must decide whether they will use their natural qualities of body and mind or whether they will put security above their Identity. The choice is evident in many decisions of daily life - whether to do or not to do, to speak or not to speak, to give in or stand firm, to move onward or remain. To those who choose Identity goes the rather lonely road of the Individual and the fast moving progressive culture of the Dynamics. We discuss the theory of Dynamics in Chapter Six. To those who choose security goes the synthetic happiness of complacency and the slow, non-progressing culture of the Statics (Chapter Six).
The Individual who chooses security above Identity and begins to sacrifice his physical and mental uniqueness to gain the respect of the group or state undergoes certain changes. As he gradually loses his Identity, he approaches as a limit the state of the Android or synthetically produced organism. Because he has lost a portion of his Identity, he is no longer a complete Individual. He is not an Android either, as he still has a portion of his Identity left. This gradual change from Individual to Android requires a new "transitional" classification.
We refer to naturally-occurring organisms which have lost a portion of their Identity as NEO-ANDROIDS. In the strictest sense of the word, the tern refers to those Individuals who have been permanently modified by a change in the Key Design. In a less formal sense, we include those who have suppressed some of their mental Identity or reshaped some physical characteristics, even though this does not affect the Key Design.
We shall discuss methods of modification in much greater detail later.
For the present, we shall mention a few methods to emphasize our point.
Modifications which cause mutations change the Key Design Program and affect
all organisms produced by the organism involved from that time on. The
new psychochemicals have such an effect. Radiation erases portions of the
Key Design. Shock treatments erase portions of the mental Identity from
memory. In the case of those techniques which do not effect the Key Design,
such as voluntary suppression of data into the unconscious data program
and physical modifications which can be reversed, the organisms' offspring's
may be Individuals.
In Section One we talked about the concept of an organic structure called
an Individual and another type of organic structure called an Android.
We introduced the Android saying it was synthetic and the Individual saying
it was natural, or real.
Another way in which we have compared Android and Individual is in
the concept of an Identity Factor; we said that this factor existed in
Individual but was absent in Android. Not so many things in reality are
so pure as this black and white type of concept.
Intuitively, then, one might guess that there is some class in-between the pure models we have called Android and Individual. Such a class would have some characteristics of both. A class like this, we call a TRANSIENT CLASS. The particular TRANSIENT CLASS in this case, those organic structures somewhere in the in-between region bounded by the pure notions of Android and Individual we call NEO-ANDROID.
We will now go through some nomenclature which is useful in explaining the notions we are discussing at this present level.
The "QUANTITY OF IDENTITY INHERITED" is that quantity determined by
the average of the quantities of Identity possessed by the structure's
parent structures at the time the structure was conceived, which, for each
parent structure, is determined by the formula:
The "RELATIVE PER-CENT IDENTITY" or "REL %I" is the Per-cent Identity, computed with the assumption that the quantity of Identity inherited was unity.
With these notions, one can now write mathy definitions for Individuals, Neo-Androids, and Androids.
In a strict sense, we can call Individuals the class of structures with %I at exactly 100, Androids as that class with %I at exactly 0, and all elsewhere Neo-Androids.
Or, being more practical, using the standard gaussian distribution, we can call %I above 75 Individuals, 75-25 Neo-Androids, and below 25 Androids.
Various types of structures were covered in Section One. These were defined when introduced. We have now introduced and defined the Neo-Android and this completes the structures covered in the text. The flow-chart below is a helpful tool for quick reference concerning structures.
Intuitively, when we think of progress, we think of a moving forward toward some yet unachieved goal. People, Individuals, move toward goals and sets of people, which we have called SOCIETIES, also meander towards goals.
In our model of an "Individual", we have presented certain ideas previously. From these ideas, we now point out that the model for an Individual is equivalent to the model for a Computer coupled with the concept of Identity.
If we drift to a theoretical notion of a "society" of Computers, and then think of progress, the model "society" as a function of time will achieve a stable state of some sort and stop. The program will "run out". At this point there will be no more "PROGRESS".
When we say SOCIETY, of course, there is more involved than Computers, from the definition given previously. The point is that the model limited in this way ceases to progress at some predictable fixed point on the time line.
In the format of the definitions and models of this text, there is essentially only one difference between a real "SOCIETY" and the limited model we have just discussed and this difference is our notion of an "Identity factor" or "Identity".
The differences, then, observable by comparing real "SOCIETIES" which show PROGRESS in an onward and continuing nature and our "run out" model brings us again to the concept of "Identity".
We say that Identity is a necessary condition for continued PROGRESS.
Societies are classified into three major groups. These groups are STATIC, DYNAMIC, and TRANSIENT. STATIC societies are modeled by the "computer" model above and they are social systems in which a predominate choice of Security above Identity has led to an essential standstill. DYNAMIC societies are modeled by a predominant choice of Identity above Security and they are social systems showing continuing and onward growth. TRANSIENT societies show a combination of these two models and there is an interplay of forces at work.
The study of STATIC societies is called SOCIOSTATICS and the study of DYNAMIC societies is called SOCIODYNAMICS. We call both fields of study, SOCIOSTATICS and SOCIODYNAMICS, the study of "THEORITICAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS" because in real life they are hard to find in such a pure form. "REAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS" are not so pure and direct as these models but they show characteristics of both. A social system showing this duality and interplay of conflicting forces is called a TRANSIENT SPACE.
SYSTEMS are covered in Chapter 7.
Competitive Basis and Competitive Advantage are both necessary conditions for competition to exist. Neither one by itself will do. And, there are certain constraining interrelationships. If Competitive Basis is as large as possible, everyone would be equally familiar with each other to the point that any contest would end in a stalemate. Realizing this, there would be no reason to compete because it would be futile.
And similarly, if Competitive Advantage was as large as possible so that everyone could overcome the other, the system would either annihilate itself or agree to stay apart so that they could survive and again there would be no competition.
So, referring to the graph, in practical reality, as Basis increases, Advantage decreases and vice versa.
Consequently, due to this, competition is self limiting and is at a maximum when Basis and Advantage are roughly equal.
Having gone through the basic idea, we now present the concept in a
formal way using "properties" -
A Competitive Basis is a necessary condition for competition.
A Competitive Advantage is a necessary condition for competition.
Given two non-congruent organic structures under going modification such that their processors are converging-
As the two organic structures approach a congruent state as a limit, the competitive basis which exists between the two structures approaches an upper limit of unity.
Given two non-congruent organic structures undergoing modification such that their processors are converging:
As the two organic structures approach a congruent state
as a limit, the competitive advantage of either structure approaches a lower limit of zero.
Given two non-complementary organic structures undergoing modification such that their processors are diverging:
As the two organic structures approach a. complementary state as a limit, the competitive basis which exists between the two structures approaches a lower limit of zero
Given two non-complementary organic structures undergoing modification such that their processors are diverging:
As the two organic structures approach a complementary state
as a limit, the competitive advantage of either structure over the other approaches an upper limit of unity.
Using the competition concept. and the definitions and properties just presented, we can now write cute mathy definitions for the three classic political systems, ANARCHY, DEMOCRACY, and SOCIALISM
ABS: A society in which the average competitive basis of the natural organic members is exactly zero and the average competitive advantage of these members is exactly unity
REL: A society in which the average competitive basis& of the natural organic members is not above 0.25 and the average competitive advantage of these members is not below 0.75.DEFINATION:
ABS: A society in. which both the average competitive basis and the average competitive advantage of the natural organic members are between zero and unity
REL: A society in which both the average competitive basis and the average competitive advantage of the natural organic members are between 0.25 and 0.75.DEFINATION:
ABS: A society in which the average competitive basis of the Natural organic members is exactly unity and the average competitive advantage of these members is exactly, zero.
POLITICAL LINK PROPERTIESREL: A society in which the average competitive basis of the natural organic members is not below 0.79 and the average competitive advantage of these members is not above 0.25.
To link the classical structures to the Basic Inverse (Identity-Security)
we present the following three properties-
Anarchy is dynamic or Identity-Oriented
SOCIALISM is static or security-oriented
Democracy is a transient-space
Classical concepts in Religion behave in a manner similar to concepts in the Identity-Security relationships. The Religious Properties presented below are designed to show these relationships and link up classical Religion to the master (I-S) Inverses.
The Religious concept of "Soul" is similar to the Plan Theory concept of an "Identity Factor"
The Religious concept of "God" is similar to the Plan Theory concept of a dynamic or Identity-oriented force.
The Religious. concept of "devil" is similar to the Plan Theory concept of a static or security-oriented force.
The Religious concept of "heaven" is similar to the Plan Theory concept of a dynamic or Identity-oriented environment.
The Religious concept of "hell" is similar to the Plan Theory concept of a static or security-oriented environment
Earth is a transient space.
If there is one main principle in all religious concepts, it is that man possesses a Soul. In defining the Soul, dictionaries use such phrases as "the immortal spirit which inhabits the body", the "animating or essential part", "the vital principle", "the source of action" , and "the essence". All of these phrases indicate that the Soul is the basis of man - that the Soul IS man.
The Bible teaches that the Soul is a gift of God; that God has caused the Soul to inhibit the body of man. We are taught that this gift can only be bestowed by the Creator himself and that man shall never synthesize the Soul or acquire it by any other means. Although we cannot "buy" a Soul, we know that we can "sell" ours. Men often disregard this great gift and "sell their Souls to the devil". Stories are often written of those who gained prosperity and worldly goods by "selling" their Souls.
So far, in this theory, we have not defined the Soul as such, but we have discussed in great detail the concept of Identity. We have said that Identity is the essence of man. We know that it gives man uniqueness and makes him an Individual. We know that Identity is possessed only by naturally-occurring organisms and that it cannot be synthesized or acquired in any other way. This is natures process and we must rely upon nature to perform it.
In "The Basic Inverse" we learned that Identity could be sold (suppressed) to gain security and that as security was gained Identity was lost. We know of many who feel that security is of a greater value than Identity and are quite willing to sell it to anyone who will give them worldly things in return.
We see, therefore, that both the Soul and Identity are "sold" to gain securities, that both are products of forces beyond the control of man, and that both offer uniqueness in that both give man special qualities peculiar to him alone. Since the Soul behaves in the same manner as does Identity, we must consider the theory that the Soul is Identity and Identity is the Soul. We shall assume that the two are congruent for the duration of our discussion.
The link between the Soul and Identity represents a bridge between Philosophy and Science. The expansion of such bridges will eventually result in a formal, scientific proof of all principles of the Bible and other great philosophical texts. Those who believe that Religion is invalid because science is valid should note that science and Religion merge at this point.
There are certain classic symbols used. in literature, poetry, music,
etc., that, while we will not get formal about them, do, nevertheless tend
to line up with the. transition and implication of transition from Identity-oriented
to Security-oriented and vice versa.
We group these "key phrases" into major areas and list them below:
YELLOW ------- |
------- ------- |
------- ------- |
We present here by summary the overall implications of the choice between Identity and Security that we have been discussing here in Chapter four. Although some points require the reader to add a bit of insight - they do not really require all that much.
------- T-SPACES |
In the beginning, all matter in our Universe was in the elementary form of the sub atomic particles. As this mass expanded or diverged, however, the sub atomic particles became unstable. They combined with each other, or converged, to form a new structure - the element. when they did this, they became more stable or secure. An element is more stable than free protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. An important change also took place. When the elements were formed, the sub atomic particles lost their 'identity' as sub-atomic particles. Today we know that an element, take gold for example, is composed of sub atomic particles. We refer to it, however, as gold. We do not refer to it as a special configuration of sub-atomic particles. These particles have combined now and the result of this merging is the element. It has a new identity, not possessed by those particles which combined to make it.
This process is repeated when the elements combine to form compounds. Many elements are unstable in elementary form. They tend to converge to a more stable form - the compound. A compound is much more stable than the elements which compose it. It does not resemble these elements, however. Again it has a new identity, the elements which formed it have lost theirs.
It would seem that we have a definite pattern here - and we do. It appears that we have a continual merging of systems to form new systems and that when this process is complete the original systems have lost their characteristics or their identity and a new system has gained identity. This is precisely what is happening.
We are now ready for an important step. Compounds are also relatively unstable. In the course time conditions become adequate for a third combination - the compounds combine with others to form very complex structures called cells. The cell is known today as the basis of all life.
The next few steps should be obvious. A single celled creature - and they are in existence today - is not a very stable or secure organism. It has little means of protection and is limited in what it can accomplish because it is just one cell. The cells then combine to form organs which, in turn, merge with other organs to form systems. At length the systems merge to form the organism. Today the highest form of organism is recognized as man. Man is a complicated array of systems and organs, each composed of cells which are composed of compounds, made from elements which, in turn, are composed of the sub atomic particles.
Cycle Theory is a logical progression hypothesis based upon the cascade of combinations which man will logically do in time based upon his natural pre-dispositions - and the reverse course suggests the predictable future shock.
What a simple question. Everyone knows that in the evening the sun goes down thus cutting off its light from a portion of our earth and causing it to become dark. This is apparently what happens - at least it's what we've been telling ourselves for a good many years now. But what about the stars - they give out light. Oh yes, this light is so dim that we couldn't expect it to give any more than a glimmer.
Here we have a simple question - or it appears so. We also have a simple answer. This is where it has stopped. No one has questioned these facts and so they have remained like this for generations. It took a modern individual to challenge the existing. ideas. This person challenged the concept and, as a result, made some very interesting discoveries.
To understand his findings, it is necessary to understand a concept called the Doppler effect. If you are standing near a railroad crossing and the train is approaching you, you hear the whistle louder than you do when the same train is the same distance from you moving away. This is because the sound waves are compressed, in a way, when the train approaches you. In the same way, the waves are stretched apart when the train is moving away, thus a lower noise level.
This individual calculated what the degree of illumination should be from the starlight. He confirmed that the light we refer to as starlight should be sufficient to illuminate the earth both day and night excluding the sun. Why then, is this not the case. It is because all of the planets are moving away from each other at a fantastic rate, so fast that light rays are stretched out and, therefore, appear dimmer. This theory has now been proved and its proof throws a new light on many things.
One specific point we will make is to note the logical converse - since
at zero acceleration starlight would light the planet day and night suppose
the Universe was contracting instead of expanding - the reverse effect
would not only light the Earth - it would incinerate it.
Theorm 1-1 tells us that if a man has infinite time, he can accomplish anything. It follows, therefore, that if a society has been in existence for infinity, it should have made an infinite amount of progress. It should have, therefore, accomplished all things which require only a finite amount of time to complete.
We know that the amount of mass and energy in our Universe is a constant - that it will never change. We also know, from Einstein's equations, that mass and energy are inter-changeable according to the formula E=Mc2 . Since this quantity of mass and energy is a constant, it is logical to assume that the mass and energy in our universe has existed for infinity. It may have existed in varied forms, but it must have been here, in the form of mass or energy, indefinitely.
Because of this fact, one could only conclude that some form of life has existed in our Universe for an infinite amount of time. The process whereby life is formed is a finite one. It takes just so much time. The process of evolution from the one-celled creature to the man of today is also finite. The process of development whereby man grows and progresses to the stage he is now is finite. The time it takes for a people to learn the secrets of life and of the universe is also finite. Since all mass and energy now in our universe has been here an infinite length of time, why haven't other planets and other peoples developed these things. Why aren't we, now today, not visited by those who have progressed to these finite stages of knowledge of the universe. In a larger sense, why are we still drudging along on relatively simple problems when the mass which is our earth has been in existence for infinity.
Obviously, man has not been in existence for infinity, If he had been, he would have already solved all problems, since they can be solved in a finite amount of time. Something, therefore, must check the course of men so that they are unable to develop to such a stage. If there were no such check, we would know now all there was to know. We seek a theory, therefore, that will explain this seeming contradiction - we seek some master system that checks the course of men.
Our search leads us to investigate the properties of our universe. We know that our universe is constantly expanding - that all of the galaxies, solar systems, etc. are moving away from each other at a fantastic rate. We know that this is why the sky is dark it night - because of the stretching out of the light waves. Scientists now suggest - and it has been substantiated to a point - that our universe began from some central mass which decomposed to form the planets and other heavenly bodies. These facts suggest a cycle of events.
What would happen if those expanding planets would suddenly stop - perhaps begin to converge. If this happened the starlight might be concentrated instead of diluted, so to speak. What would be the fate of us, here on earth, if the starlight grew so intense that our planet was flooded with constant light. Perhaps the earth would be burned in a giant inferno - at least that is what the Bible tells us our fate will be.
We have tried, in these opening paragraphs, to present to the reader the same problems that the author faced when he devised the Cycle Theory. The reader should be familiar with these concepts, in a way, because we have used the cycle we are about to introduce as a guide for creating an ordered pattern for the material we presented in the first three chapters.
Basically, all that exists in our universe may be described in terms of two Continuums, or infinite sequences. The continuum which governs the motion of the planets and other heavenly bodies shall be referred to hereafter as the Universal Continuum. The continuum which explains the progress of organic Things, and thus explains man' s progress, shall be hereafter called the Organic Continuum. When we use the term Continuum by itself, we will be referring to all the forces of the universe, including both the Universal and Organic Continuums
We shall now proceed with a detailed study of both Continuums. We will not have to be too detailed, however, as many of the principals of these sequences were explained earlier..
There is a basic pattern that governs the interaction of the two continuums. In general, there are two main phases. In the first, the Organic Continuum "converges" and the Universal Continuum "diverges". In the second phase, just the opposite occurs. The Organic Continuum "diverges" and the Universal Continuum "converges". In plain language, in the first phase, the planets expand and life is formed. In the second, the planets return to a central point and life is distorted.
The general equations for the two sequences are shown on the following pages. Having presented these, we will turn our attention to a more detailed study of the two phases and their subdivisions. In the sequences on the following pages, the Universal Continuum is shown in diverging order and the Organic Continuum is shown in converging order. Together they represent what occurs in the first phase. To visualize the second phase, simply reverse the order - read from last to first. The exact pattern is followed - but in reverse.
We now present an analysis of the complete cycle, stage by stage.
All mass and energy in the universe is contained in one single mass of plasma. This is the term used to describe a collection of the sub-atomic particles in their elementary form.
1. The plasma explodes causing huge chunks of mass to be scattered out in all directions. These form definite patterns about the point where the original mass was, which is now vacant. These particles, although in definite orbits, continue to move outward, away from the central point where the original mass was.
2. Each of these particles forms a galaxy. It too explodes and throws out particles which gather about it. These particles revolve about an imaginary point which is where the sub-mass was before it decomposed. The particles also expand or diverge from this point.
3; Each of these particles forms a Solar System. It explodes emitting chunks of matter that form the planets of its Solar System. A substantial part of the mass remains as the Sun or center of the system. The planets then revolve around this Sun.
4. Some of the planets decompose slightly emitting small bits of matter which revolve around them as satellites.
5. Some of the planets decompose completely to form smaller planets called Asteroids.
6. Some of these Asteroids blast into bits which form Comets, Meteorites, Space mist, Gases, and so forth
As each stage of this sequence is completed, a collection of sets are combined to form a larger set. When this merging process is performed, the sets which are combined lose all identity and the set formed gains identity.
1. The sub-atomic particles react violently to form the basic elements.
2. The elements react with each other to form elementary compounds. These, in turn, react to form more complex compounds.
3. Highly complex compounds react under ideal conditions to form the living cell.
4. Cells combine with other cells to form cell sets called Organs. In the organ, each cell performs a specialized function. As such, it cannot exist outside of the organ - it can only exist as a part of the organ.
5. The Organs combine with other organs to form specialized sets of organs called Systems. In the system, such as the human respiratory system, each organ performs a fixed function and cannot exist as an elementary organ.
6. Several systems merge to form a set of systems called the Organism. Man is the highest of such organisms. If split or separated, the systems cannot exist. They can exist only as part of the organism and it, in turn, can exist only if all systems are present and functioning properly. With the completion of this stage a period begins called the Primary Colonization Period. This is the period of the colonization of a specific planet, such as our Earth. It consists of three definite stages, referred to in our discussion as stages six through eight.
7. Seeking security and peace, men combine with each other to form collections called groups. In such groups the individual men are collated to form a composite set. The directions or rules of such groups are determined by majority. Because of this, no man has the ability to develop his potential and progress is partly checked. In such groups, men carry on the process of exploring their planet, establishing societies, and attempting to solve their problems. Chapter two of this text concerns itself with an analysis of this stage.
8. Groups of men are then collated to form states. In a state, the rules, now called law, is determined by past activities. Because of this the laws restrict the society in all they attempt. In the state, men have no identity at all, they are merely small bits of a gigantic organism. With the formation of a superstate which governs an entire planet, the Primary Colonization period ends.
9. All states in a specific planet now converge to form a Planetary state. With this stage the Secondary Colonization Period begins. This period concerns itself with the colonization of the Universe. It too consists of three definite phases, shown here as stages nine through eleven.
10. The planetary states form alliances with other such planet dictatorships in a given Solar System. Through interplanetary alliances, treaties, or whatever is necessary, they combine to form collections of Planetary states spanning an entire Solar System called Solar System States.
11. These Solar System States them combine with others in a specific galaxy to form the Galaxy State - a master dictatorship ruling an entire galaxy.
12. From here, there is only one step left - the entire Universe under one master dictator. At length, the Galaxy States combine to form a Master or Universal State in which all that exists is centralized.
There exists certain parallels between sections of this sequence. The sequence has been divided by lines, therefore, into its basic sections. To quickly express these parallels one should note that a Cell is to an Organ is to a System as a Man is to a Group is to a State as a Planet is to a Solar System is to a Galaxy. For example, a man in a state is completely dependent upon that state for everything. He performs one static function and in return the state supplies him with the necessities of life. In the same way, a cell in a system is completely dependent upon the system for existence. It is specialized and performs one function. For this, the system supplies it with its food, etc.
Man, through his desire for security, has become centralized in a Universal dictatorship that we call the Universal State. This accomplished, the Organic Convergence stage is complete. The planets have all reached their outermost point and, for a brief moment, have stopped. Thus, the Universal divergence stage is completed. We are now mid way through the master cycle.
Man, through the ages, has scorned the predictions of those who realized the great truths of life. They murdered the son of God when attempted to explain the purposes of life and of men. They murdered and tortured all others who dared to suggest facts which departed from their fixed routine. In more modern ways, they modified and collated each other into a form in which they are absolutely worthless - the Universal State. Such is the fate of man. Now, fully centralized and completely devoid of identity, the masses of the Universe, clutching their precious security, lie back to fall into an eternal sleep. The gigantic wheels of the inter-galaxy dictatorship give a few faint squeaks and halt forever. All is lost - the Universe is static.
In this form, the masses are worthless. They serve no purpose and are incapable of progressing as they have lost all identity. Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has foreseen this fate of man. The ancients saw it too, and tried to warn the static peoples. Now, the time has come. The master cycle reverses; the planets converge.
6. With the planets now converging, the paths of the Comets, Meteorites, Space dust clouds, gas clouds, etc. are upset and these bits of matter collect to form larger chunks similar to Asteroids.
5. Asteroids now collide to form larger masses resembling planets.
4. The satellites of planets collide with the planets to form a single mass.
3. In massive explosions, the planets of the several Solar Systems collide to form a molten mass resembling a gigantic Sun.
2. These solar systems, now fully centralized into one mass, collide with others until the galaxies themselves are but bits of molten matter.
ORGANIC CONVERGENCE1. Finally, the galaxies converge and collide at a central point. In the terrific gravity, all reactions cease and one large mass of plasma is all that remains.
12. With the Universal Continuum now converging, the starlight is much brighter, the light waves now being compressed. At first, of course, the change is very faint. The leaders of the Universal state sense that something is up and some high officials are in formed of the impending doom of all that they have created. For a while, all is kept quiet. Soon, however, the leaders of the Universal State attempt to save themselves by many futile attempts. In this kayos, the Universal state falls yielding its components - the galaxy states - as independent systems once again.
11. This basic process is repeated here, the leaders wishing to save their persons and possessions. In this futile rush, they forget their jobs as dictators and run for their lives. The galaxy dictatorship falls yielding the solar systems who now attempt to govern themselves.
10. The process continues, the solar systems decomposing to form planets who now get a brief turn to return to individual government.
9. The Superstates of the planets break to yield smaller states.
8. These states fall to leave elementary groups of people.
7. The people, now in mass kayos, break to leave man alone - an individual once more. For a brief instant man stands in a time of no darkness. He stares at the unending light from the converging stars. For a while he stands and wonders why things are as they are. He wonders why men cannot learn to respect each other as individuals. He wonders why his ancestors made the choice to abandon their very identity to gain a brief and synthetic security. For a moment he looks and wonders, then all is lost.
6. In the terrific heat, all organisms perish and the earth, together with the other planets, are destroyed in a massive fire. As the heat increases, man's body as well as those of the other organic organisms decompose into their systems.
5. These systems decompose to yield their Organs.
4. The Organs fall to their basic cells.
3. The cells decompose, leaving the complex compounds which formed them.
2. As the proper temperature is reached, these compounds decompose to leave the basic elements.
1. There is a period of massive atomic explosions. Then, the elements
themselves yield to the terrific heat and gravity of the fully centralized
mass and decompose into their basic parts - the sub-atomic particles. All
reactions cease. The cycle is complete.
In this chapter we discuss a social system or society which has chosen one or the other of these routes, but is not ambivalent.
We call the study of a society which has chosen "security" in this way and modeled a value system from this choice "SOCIOSTATTCS".
We call the study of a society which has chosen "Identity" in this way and modeled a value system from this choice "SOCIODYNAMICS"
We call the study of both SOCIODYNAMICS AND SOCIOSTATICS the study of "theoretical social systems" because they are hard to find in real life in such a pure form.
Societies in this pure form are called ABSOLUTE and we refer to the region consisting of the society and its physical surroundings as an ABSOLUTE SPACE (A-SPACE)
In a more practical approach, social systems are often a mixture of static and dynamic properties and we call the region consisting of such a society and its physical surroundings a TRANSIENT SPACE (T-SPACE)
TRANSIENT SPACES are covered in Chapter 7.
The reader should note that the "homework" for this chapter and for
Chapter Seven has been done previously. Section One and Chapter Four mainly
set the stage for what we will bring together here. Therefore, although
we will not be too "wordy" here in Chapter Six and Seven - the reader should
note the implication, when we use simple diagrams and terms relating to
earlier discussions, and look for the culmination of a pattern of reasoning
which we have developed from the beginning of the text.
We know from previous discussions that there. are two types of A-Spaces - and that they are opposite. One might wonder why we choose to discuss them in one chapter under "one roof" so to speak.
In Chapter Four, when we went through the inverses, we slid from one extreme to the other. However, recall that in the Political Inverses, at each extreme there was no competition and a lot of competition "somewhere in the middle". So, if in political oratory, someone would say "vote for me and I will make this a place with no competition", we would naturally wonder "what place" - the static place where there is "no competition" or the dynamic place where there is also "no competition".
This example illustrates what we mean by the concept of duality. From certain points of observation, the extremes between statics and dynamics are opposite - and from other points of observation they are the same.
The key to explaining away "duality" or "doublethink", to use a popular phrase, is to note that when statics and dynamics appear to be the same, the observations are from a low level devoid of insight - and that when they appear to be opposite the observations are from a sophisticated level concerned with the motivations as to why these things are as opposed to the fact that they are.
There would be no war in a dynamic system or a static system., but in the static system this would be because the people had been crushed beyond any hope of resistance and had given up fighting and in the dynamic system it would be because the people had developed a level of understanding of interrelationships to the point that they realized war was silly and had come to accept each other as they were - even though they might be different.
Peace and Tranquillity
From the outside both a static and dynamic system would appear to be a calm, orderly place but in the static system this would be do to vacant contentment and blind acceptance and in the dynamic system this would be due to an understanding of and therefore a harmonious relationship with natural laws and forces.
The members of a static or a dynamic system would claim to be seeking
and finding fulfillment but closer observation would reveal that in the
static system, the members would be living in an imaginary "home made reality"
which they could master because they "made it up themselves" and in a dynamic
system the members had discovered absolute and lasting values which were
universal in application and had or were mastering them.
Concepts of Security-Oriented and the choice of security have been discussed previously. In presenting a model for a static society, we do so in as abstract a manner as practicable and trust that enough has been said so that when these general terms are used there is a certain amount of insight present.
The diagram above is a schematic representation of a general model for a static society. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion of STATIC FORCES, or concepts that we have labeled Security-Oriented.
2. The SOCIETY, under the influence of the STATIC FORCE.
3. The notion, that under the influence of the static force, there is imposed on the society a limit or BOTNDARY that may be approached but not crossed.
Now, consider a specific Individual, as a member of the STATIC SOCIETY. To present, schematically, the life path of such an individual we present the model below. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion that this individual has chosen Security and achieved
2. The implications of this choice.
From the concepts of elementary geometry, consider a line. We know the line stretches to infinity at both ends. We know that there are an infinite number of points on the line. So, if we think of these infinite number of points as representing knowledge, or less abstractly, goals in life, we might say that as we walk down this line, covering one of the infinite goals at a time, this is the road and this is progress.
Now, re-think, and consider a one-inch line. Obviously, this little one inch line is a subset of the complete line, and it has finite "ends". But, consider, there are an infinite number of points on this little one inch line. So, if we think of these infinite number of points as representing knowledge, or less abstractly, goals in life, we might say that as we walk on this line, covering one of the infinite goals at a time, this is - what?
To use a less abstract example, consider a house. You can spend a lifetime in it and keep quite busy. Say you buy a blender - it is green, the kitchen is yellow, so paint it green to match the blender - but the drapes are light yellow, so change them to green. But then the green blender breaks and all they have at the store is pink. So you.. (and so on). You can live out all your life, grow old and die, be busy as a bee, and never open the front door to go out into the city. But time passes, and you are busy, and you are productive, and you are working - and you are stupid.
The name of the process or concept we have been toying with here is COMPARTMENTALIZATION. It is a fundamental notion and characteristic of static social systems. In the general static model there is a boundary which the members of the society do not cross. To derive the word "compartmentation", we can look at this boundary as the wall (or one of the walls) of the "compartment" in which these people live. There are various ways to deal with this "wall". You can invent excuses not to go near it, set up a system of "punishments", etc.; but perhaps the most ingenious method of all is to simply say that the wall "does not exist" - there is no limit - there is just nothing else and where you are is just fine and there is no reason to look elsewhere.
People in a "compartment" can find lots of things to do - but this does
not alter the fact that there are larger areas of other things - things
they never dreamed of - that they will never do.
Concepts of Identity-Oriented and the choice of Identity have been discussed previously. In presenting a model for a dynamic society, we do so in as abstract a manner as practicable and trust that enough has been said so that when these general terms are used there is a certain amount of insight present.
The diagram above is a schematic representation of a general model for a dynamic society. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion of DYNAMIC FORCES, or concepts that we have labeled Identity-ORIENTED.
2. The SOCIETY, under the influence of the DYNAMIC FORCE.
3. The notion, that under the influence of the dynamic force, there
is no upper limit.
Now, consider a specific Individual, as a member of the DYNAMIC SOCIETY. To present, schematically, the life path of such an individual we present the model below. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion that this Individual has chosen Identity.
2. The implications of this choice.
When two or more adults meet and share experiences, we say that there is between them an "area of understanding" which is called an "ADDLT NATURAL SET". The concept of a social order based on ANS type relationships is a fundamental notion in SOCIODYNAMICS.
The notion of an "Adult" is not explicitly definable at this time. It is hoped that the information in Section 3 will lead one to form a conclusion about just what an "Adult" might be.
The concept of an "area of understanding" is more explainable. The area is the area of the intersection of their plans of operation, from the notions of Chapter 3. And there are other significant characteristics from Chapter 4. These are the notions that the ANS Group members share experiences, in a voluntary manner. They do not share because of need, inadequacies, or compulsions to say "huddle together". They share simply because they choose, and when they cease to so choose, they leave the set.
Defining Qualities
Given an ANS type relationship, the test for the existence of ANS would involve looking for the following defining characteristics. These characteristics parametrically define ANS - but the fact that they are all present does not guarantee ANS, However, the absence of any defining characteristic does rule out ANS.
Each member could, if he chose, exist completely alone.
There are no dependencies - i.e., no member "needs" anything that any other member has or can provide.
There are no exploiticious relationships - i.e., no member is in the set due to his desire to "get" anything from any other member.
There is present a level of sophistication and understanding of "the human condition" which is sufficiently advanced that members can freely interface with the group (entering and departing) without any inhibitions (guilt, fear of rejection, etc.).
The only motivation to be in the same situation at the same time is
simply a desire to "share an experience" in life.
In A-Spaces, we saw two different social orders which, from a sophisticated standpoint, were quite different but were similar from low-level observations. The similarity was mainly in the area of stability, which is why we classify them as A-Spaces.
Now we want to look at what happens when the two A-Spaces are in close physical proximity to each other.
We have previously discussed Identity-oriented and Security-oriented value systems. These two areas are reasonably stable. In a T-Space, then, the "high activity" is in the "middle" where the two systems meet. We call this the ACTIVE CORRIDOR because it is where things are happening very rapidly as opposed to the "top" and "bottom" which are relatively quiet.
When we discussed duality and "doublethink", we came up with a list of words, such as "peace", "tranquillity", "fulfillment", etc. which were obtainable in two ways. In the active corridor, these "doublethink" words form a basis for a "value system based on ambivalence" where the people want "the same thing" but, in choosing how to get it quickly find that "the same thing" is not "the same thing".
Consequently, in the active corridor of a T-space there is a predictable state of confusion, between people, between groups of people, and internally within a specific person, as they wrestle with the duality which confronts them.
Theoretically, if you take an A-space (Identity-group) and an A-space (Security-group) and "lock them in a room" you can predict an explosion and inhalation.
In real life, this is possible too but there are techniques to avoid this. The technique commonly used, called COMPARTMENTATION, involves setting up a series of barriers to access (physical) and communication (mental) so that the two A-spaces are kept apart and that the active corridor is divided into enough "compartments" so that the differences in attitude from one compartment to the next are sufficiently small that the potential explosive nature of the set is held within "safe limits".
We call this process DAMPING. A T-space can be underdamped, in which
case there is overt war, or it can be so damped that there is no interplay
at all occurring (total split), in which case it is equivalent to two separate
A-spaces, or it can be damped so that controlled transitions are possible
and a minimum of "causalities" result in the region of interplay.
Classically,Government, in a T-Space, sits on the sidelines somewhere
and manipulates the compartmentation barriers. The model would be analogues
to a atomic reactor with the potential to explode but with management playing
with the "control rods" so that the reaction continues smoothly below a
"fail safe" point.
From such a position, Government could. Overdamp the. system so that a segment of the population had essentially no hope of getting through the interplay region, underdamp it to the point of war, or choose a middle course. Concepts evoked by such phrases as "responsible government", "benevolent dictatorship", etc. refer to ethical concepts in these areas.
Eventually, a T-space must become an A-space. The time for this can
be short or long but; it must come eventually.
The system., after perhaps melania of unrest, must eventually rest.
Choices leading to one of the two possible A-spaces are eventually made.
And, consequent to these choices, the "rewards" or "fruits" logically associated
with the choice are reaped.
To preface our more technical remarks, let us take a trip back into time - a trip to a small farm in a sparsely populated area. As we approach, the farmer comes out to see what we want. We smile, explain our mission, and put to him the question we are trying to solve.
"You know, we've been trying to find the answer to a problem for some time now. Tell me, what do you feel are the values of life?"
"Values of life? Why, son, my values of life are all around me. See this farm. Handed down to me by my father and to him from his. I remember him in his last days when he would walk with me, telling me his hopes and dreams. He put his life's work in my hands then, and now it is my duty to prepare that work for my son, Jim. See Jim - fine lad - fine boy. He'll make some woman a dandy husband. Then they'll settle down here and ... - but enough of that - values, my values... Oh, here's my wife Ann. Say hello to the man, Ann. That girl's one of my best values - stood through thick and thin she has - wonderful woman. Look over there - our old cow Betsy. She was here when I was only so high. Good old Betsy. You want values? Come - lets take a walk. I'll show you values - values all around you. Just look - just look around you - ..."
Let's come back to the present now and go to a large city. Among
the complex of buildings we see a young college lad making his way
to some appointment. Let's see if our values have changed.
"Say son! Over here. Can you spare a few minutes. Wonder if you would mind answering a question for us - "What do you feel are the values of life?"
"Values? Why, that's simple. Freedom, Justice, Equality, Liberty. These are the values. everyone knows these are the values. These are the things we 're all working to achieve. What a silly question! "
"But what, exactly, do these terms mean?"
"Mean! Why everybody knows what these terms mean. Just who are you anyway. I've heard about people like you. I know who you are. You're a foreign agent. You're trying to twist me up. Well, don't. I know exactly what these words mean. EXACTLY! And I'm not going to give anyone the chance to confuse me. Now you get lost, you socialist or whatever you are, before I call the cops!"
I believe we have made our point. It would seem that our generation
would have gained some insight into the basic truths of life along with
their scientific progress. However, if there are any real values in life,
they don't seem to know what they are. Instead, they toss terms around
like professional jugglers without the faintest idea what they are saying.
In Chapter 6 we presented general models for STATIC and DYNAMIC societies. We have discussed, by way of definition, that a TRANSIENT society or a TRANSIENT SPACE is a social system showing combinations of STATIC and DYNAMIC. Logically, then, in this abstract discussion, the "model" should be a combination of the STATIC model and the DYNAMIC model.
In combining the models there are certain new characteristics which
we call the INTERPLAY due to opposing forces that become relevant.
The diagram above is a schematic representation of a general model for a TRANSIENT SPACE. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion of STATIC and DYNAMIC FORCES and of the INTERPLAY.
2. The SOCIETY, under the influence of these forces and the notion of a split or tearing apart effect.
3. The notion, that under the influences of the forces, in the INTERPLAY there is a CHOICE that one must make and the implications.
4. The notion that through the SOCIETY passes a BOUNDARY that some cross and some do not cross.
Now, consider a specific Individual, as a member of the TRANSIENT SOCIETY. To present, schematically, the life path of such an individual we present the model below. The important points in the model are:
1. The notion of CHOICE between Security and Identity.
2. The implications of this choice.
In this section we come to concern ourselves with that level of reality
which is known as the "GC Level". This area is also known as the area of
things which cannot be generally told or those things which "do not exist."
Our purpose is to go through the material sufficiently so that the reader
may grasp the general idea.
There is a problem in sequencing this material. This is because the material falls towards the top of "Unit Knowledge". Unit Knowledge cannot be explained, because, as one attempts to explain it, by the necessity of splitting the unit into smaller units to do the explaining, the subdivisions become endless until they span the totality of all that exists.
Consequently, in the following three chapters, bear in mind the following:
(1) THAT the material from page to page may not be coherent in order, but that coherence may be found by re-reading until the material is seen as a unit.
(2) BY its nature, the material is not complete. It becomes complete
to the reader when he adds to it his insight.
It is the purpose of man to climb the mountain of life. At the outset, in the beginning, each man must choose one of the winding, twisting paths and forge his way towards the peak. Few complete this journey. Many crash into the pitfalls, many are snagged in the traps, many are stopped by the boulders. Defeated by the great forces, the undeserving fall into the valley of complacency. Only a select set - a mere handful - ever view the peak itself.
We have come a long way. When we began, many pages ago, we were at the base of our mountain. We were confronted with a mu1titude of paths from which to choose. As we continued upwards, the smaller paths merged into larger ones and these into ones greater yet. At each fork, two fields of knowledge met and were joined as one. It is interesting to note this merging of knowledge at higher levels. At the peak, there is only one field of knowledge, for the peak is the point of ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE.
The time has now come to pause and think things over. Let us put our burdens aside for a moment and consider the road behind and the road ahead. We glance upwards and through the clouds we see a glimpse of the peak, the point of the mergence of all knowledge, drenched in splendor with the glittering snow of Truth. We cast our eyes downward, and as we scan the planes of existence we begin to see things in a truer perspective for the first time.
We peer down through the clouds to the base of the mountain and see a gigantic blue canvas curtain, hanging just a few miles above the valley, upon which have been inscribed beautiful pictures of stars and clouds and, in the center, a huge mountain peak, similar to the one above us but much grayer in tone. Beyond the curtain, in the valley, lie the static masses of the universe. The people pause from the daily routine to gaze upon the canvas curtain and as we watch we hear the people say:
"See the pretty stars. See the clouds. See the nice blue sky. See the wonderful mountain peak. We have reached the Ultimate. All that we could ever want is here. Let us stop now and enjoy it - - forever."
As we stand and observe the masses, we are crossed by many moods. At
first, we are tempted to burst out in laughter at the utterly ridiculous
sight. Later, we are touched by sorrow, by pity for the poor oppressed
people. And as we sit and ponder, we begin to feel that we might have failed
in our duty to humanity. We start to consider ways to make the peak accessible
to all the masses.
Perhaps we might find a way to spring the traps, to cover the pitfalls,
to push aside the boulders, and pave the rough road all the way to the
peak. As we sit and think upon these plans, the very mountain trembles
beneath us and we are sternly reminded by the thunderous voice of Nature
that the easy road ends at the painted canvas curtain; that the traps will
never be sprung, that tile pitfalls will never be covered, that the boulders
will never be pushed aside, and that the road to truth will never be paved.
It will remain as it has in the past and only the strong and persistent
will ever view the peak.
We are shocked into realization. We recall the fate of those who attempted to synthesize the perfect system and realize that the tragic flaw of man is his desire for security. We realize now that whosoever shall attempt to sow the ash of deception upon the snow of Truth shall perish in statics and we know that if the masses are ever to reach the peak they must reach it under their own power.
After a final glance at the canvas curtain, we turn upwards once again. We pick up our packs and our burdens and return to our climb. The time has come to part company. The final miles are the lonely, solitary miles. There are no signposts - there are no aids. Alone, with his small pack, guided only by his Identity, the Individual steps into the uncharted territory to face the final teats.
Only an elite few - only a handful.
IF you are familiar with George Orwell's 1984, then you are familiar with "101". However, if you are not, we will proceed -
"101" is that band of activity in the human experience which is characterized by ignorance, primitive fears and emotions. Individuals operating on 101, that is to say within the activity band 101, are characterized by simple, scared, people, trying to survive physically, seeking fulfillment but afraid to look, constantly under intimidation and knowing not where to turn.
It is a rather pitiful activity band, but you need to crawl before you walk.
In the 101 band, of all the things that a specific individual fears the most, there is one "most terrible fear". To overcome this fear, then is his "101 experience". If the person confronts the fear and overcomes, then he passes on 101. If he confronts the experience and is overcome, then he fails 101 and must re-try. Failure is not the end, one must just try again.
When one clears the 101 band - passes 101 - self-confidence is established and the individual has developed some rationale whereby the effect of fear and anxiety have been negated.
The next activity band is "202".
Most readers will understand "202" because the 202 activity band is the dominant activity band in our society. To over-simplify, the "202" activity band is the activity band between the 101 band and the 301 band.
Since this has no meaning at this point, being more descriptive, the 202 band is the "work-a-day" world. Individuals operating in this band have sufficient initiative to move about with confidence but are closed-in beings and have no knowledge of the true nature of reality.
The concept of being "closed-in" is explained in 301.
The life path of individuals operating in the 202 band consists of the fulfillment of the desire to achieve permanence and security through the fabrication of physical (technological) structures to protect them from the fears, etc. of 101 and to give them a feeling of security.
The beings in the 202 band feel that the things they create are more important than they are - because they die (all over) and the buildings, computers, etc. just keep plugging along (everlasting life). The rationale is that although they will die, they will produce children who will produce children and will add to and use the collection of buildings, computers, etc. and this- seen to go on forever- is close enough to everlasting life for them.
Success on 202, then is characterized when an individual has all he needs to stay alive, other things he does not need but wants just to have, and a certain amount of power or clout by virtue of this that he can use to control anything he feels a threat to him.
The next activity band is "301".
Despite the contentment of success on 202, among us all, there is this ancient longing - a desire to go home. Home is not here, for this is Earth and home is Elsewhere.
When we spoke of beings on 202 as "closed-in" we meant the energy level of their mind was too low for them to have a realization of other things. Like other things, this energy increases with use and eventually becomes sufficiently strong to bring one to the threshold of 301.
When in the process of thought, one reaches that point where the resources of the brain are not sufficient to solve the problems being processed, the mind, in the process of searching, breaks out and establishes contact with outside sources of similar psychic energy. When the TI (Telepathy Interchange) channel is established with an outside intelligence, the person is no longer closed in and we say that he has gone to 301.
The 301 experience is quick and can be quite shocking.. No one can prepare for it and it is just not possible to explain to someone who is below 301 the material that is above 301. The line which divides the 202 band from the 301 band is called the "Q" Line. The symbol "Q" denotes the notion of a closed space with a way out.
The 301 experience is also referred to as being re-born, a "religious experience" and "seeing the light".
When one crosses the "Q" Line there is a knowledge inversion which results in the need to re-evaluate all prior life experiences. Once the re-evaluation is complete the change is not reversible. The knowledge of 301, once given, cannot be recalled. It is for this reason that it often so closely guarded..
Beings operating in the 301 activity band are medium energy level beings which are capable of establishing data-only TI channels with other beings. The TI channels allow for data transmissions to complete missing knowledge and provide balance against de-stabilizing forces. Anxieties can be vented through these channels and there is an inner peace in knowing that one is not alone even if there are no compatible "physical" people around.
There is also a certain feeling of being ON.
The next activity band is "414".
"414" is experience of the separation of body and mind, or spirit (as intelligent energy) if you prefer.
Development of the ability to do this at will counts as passing on 414.
Many people have their first 414 under the influence of drugs- such as anesthetics. When they realized they had viewed themselves being operated on (or whatever) while they were "knocked out" the experience could not be denied.
The main barrier to having 414 is denial of the possibility. Once one has the experience, then it cannot be denied and life experiences must be further re-evaluated. Again, there is no way to explain to beings below 414 the things above 414. It is important to be comfortable about 414 and develop the ability to separate at will because while bodies are temporary things, intelligent energy is permanent and continues forever.
Beings operating in the 414 activity band are high energy beings who are comfortable in or out of their bodies. The ability to leave at will negates all fear of any holocaust in the physical world in which they participate while using their bodies. The knowledge that one can separate and live as pure energy is an extremely secure feeling because one knows that one's permanence is established.
However, there are higher activity bands.
The Universal Identification Card (UI) is a form of ID CARD which uses forms and colors which are recognizable to all who know what is going on to provide a picture of the level of sophistication of the person wearing the card.
The standard card, with nothing filled in, has the following format:
The back of the card contains the name of the issuing organization,
usually a world government, and miscellaneous information about ID numbers
and perhaps a expiration date for the levels below the "Q" line. Since
information above the "Q" Line in the Top Secret group cannot be recalled
so there is little use for issuing expiring cards. There is also usually
some type of warning to the effect that the card is govt. property or whatever.
This is because the codes are quite simple and if one saw a cross section
of cards made up he could guess the code, also the existence of the cards
is sometimes denied and it is convenient to enforce this if anyone who
has one can be scooped up for possessing government property.
The border of the card indicates the access to an area (say e.g. the building) in which the people work - or in a different reality, represents the overall limit on the person being described. When the border is two-tone stripped, such as orange/black/orange, it indicates double access or an access band from (say, e.g., orange=secret to black= "anyone who walks in").
Letters representing say a government agency (CIA, DOD, etc.)
A photograph of the person
Using the standard color code previously listed
The area at the bottom of the card is reserved for different uses. At higher levels, the cards become simpler and usually contain genetic data, A UNIVERSAL TRANSLATE SYMBOL (which will be discussed elsewhere) and one or more special symbols.
Example: Special Symbol Star: INDICATES AUTHORITY
There are many special symbols, although the star is common. Cryptographers "make up" symbols for special needs and so to try to list them all would be academic. Star, however, would have universal recognition.The highest level of authority is a GOLD star, otherwise the standard color code is used. A red star would, e.g., indicate authority of brute force (delegated power in the absence of natural sophisticated intelligence)
To review the basic idea, consider the sample card below -
We can see that Mr. Doe works for the Department of Defense, he has Top Secret clearance, and where he works is in a security area where only Secret and up can get in. Now, who does Mr. Doe work for. He could be with US, USSR, UK or any nation (they all have defense departments) so we look on the back for the Nation name.
There is a subtle point here. This is that from this card front we do not know where Mr. Doe is from. This is because all nations use the same cards, they all look alike, and the information available to all intelligence communities is essentially the same. Why the security then? Well, the security keeps the average man on the street in ignorance, otherwise no government could control its people.
The Universal Color Code has been with us for quite some time. The "security stripe" on UI (Universal Identification) cards uses this code and it is also used on these cards for border and special symbols.
This is a main use, however one should not conclude it as the only use. The color code is a descriptive form of symbol and picture writing which pops up in all levels of literature past and present.
In the construction industry, one can usually guess what is in a container or a building or behind a door by the color code, especially in government buildings but also in private industry.
In general, the Universal Color Code is indeed universal, just look around.
Black Level
This is the lowest level. Synonymous terms are "no clearance" or "not-evaluated". Black symbolizes darkness, evil, ignorance, the absence of light, or in short a place where you don't want to be. Black level is below the "Q" line and usually totally within the 101 activity band.
Blue Level
The Blue level is the first real level of a compartmentalized security system. Synonymous terms are "Confidential" and "Private". Blue is a star color, but as used here it is descriptive of the more intuitive aspects as opposed to a working knowledge. Persons cleared Blue are below the "Q" line in the 101 or 202 activity band. Blue and Red-Orange, the next level, are working levels, i.e., these people have access to just what they need to do their jobs (need-to-know) as opposed to data they need for personal fulfillment.
The Red-Orange level (the two are synonymous) is the second level in compartmentalized security systems. Synonymous terms are "Secret", "State Secret" etc. Persons cleared Secret are below but close to the "Q" line in the 202 activity band. Red is the universal danger symbol and persons cleared Secret are considered dangerous by virtue of their proximity to the "Q" line. This is because they may have a "301" type experience at any time and need support as they move into the "Top Secret" region.
Yellow Level
The Yellow level is the third level in a compartmentalized security
system and the first level in the "Top Secret Group" or the "Intelligence
Community" synonymous terms are "Top Secret", "The Best", "Q-Clearance",
etc. In this first training level people are just passed their 301 so they
are apt to still be confused. They still show industrial tendencies (work-a-day).
Most of the work is in the nuclear-technology field but other fields are
not excluded. In practice, in all fields of knowledge any work which might
be objected to by some interest group is simply classified "Top Secret"
and done anyway.
Green Level
The Green level is the fourth level in a standard compartmentalized security system and the second level in the Intelligence Community. This is the "directed intelligence level". By this it is meant that the people on Green are moving and growing towards some goal not yet achieved. So, there is "direction" and a certain compulsion to move with the direction. Persons cleared Green usually are solid in 301 but not necessarily aware of 414.
Violet Level
The Violet level is the fifth level in a standard compartmentalized security system and the third level of the Intelligence Community. This is the occult level. Included are religion, spirits, people from elsewhere (e.g. space travelers), people not in bodies, and so on. Persons cleared violet are in training in 414 type mechanics. Synonymous with Violet is the term "Does not Exist" which we have all herd at one time or another.
White Level
The White level is the sixth level in a standard compartmentalized security system and the fourth level of the Intelligence Community. This is the absolute intelligence level. In this level the directed intelligence from Green has achieved completion and is now stable and balanced. Persons cleared White are generally competent, balanced, and stable in an absolute sense. There are no more surprises.
Clear Level
The Clear level, Level 7, is not part of the standardized compartmentalized security system because persons cleared Clear have left the control area of the system. They have met the requirements for clearing the final gate beyond which all controls are lifted.
The color opposites balance or negate One another in the system. The
basic balance formulas are:
Black vs. White
(absolute ignorance vs. absolute knowledge)
Blue vs. Orange
(Secret controls Confidential)
Red vs. Green
(Directed intelligence supervises Secret)
There is no control on Clear.Yellow vs. Violet(The naked power of man is balanced against the forces which do not exist)
White, as we know, contains all colors. The assignment of color implies
inadequacy due to incompleteness. White signifies completeness. Any other
color signifies some inadequacy which blocks completeness.
K-Factors are a method of simply writing down a symbolic representation of the balance and completion of a person.
We begin by identifying certain areas of directivity due to incompleteness.
The Freudian Factor (F)
The F K-Factor is the factor relating to the notion that people are often internally compartmentalized by virtue of the fact that as time passes there is a breakdown of awareness resulting in an un-conscious memory, a conscious (active) memory and a certain rudimentary memory, (the so called Id, ego, superego idea) which are not "on line" together. In the symbolic notation, we write F+ or F- to denote incompleteness due to this and F0 to signify completeness. The requirement (definition) for the F0 condition is knowledge of these three basic groups together "on line" or the notion of complete awareness.
The Emotion Factor (E)
The E K-Factor is the factor relating to the notion that emotions are a source of directivity. We write E+ or E- to signify the existence of emotional directivity. The requirement (definition) for the E0 condition is the absence of emotional directivity.
The Sex factor (S))
The S K-Factor is the factor relating to directivity due to the need to satisfy sex drives. We write S+ or S- to signify the directivity and S0 (definition) to indicate that the drive is negated through some rationale of satisfaction.
The Mass factor (M)
The M K-Factor is the factor relating to bodies being made up of positive mass (the only mass around these parts) and is always written M+ (our universe is assumed positive for the purpose of convention). Equivalent people in a negative mass universe would be denoted M-. Although the obvious requirement for writing M0 is the negation of mass(in some way which suggests permanence) there are special conditions for writing M0 in which the bodies are not irretrievably lost.
In addition to the four balance factors F, E, S, and M, three "sophistication identifiers" are used. These are -
Identifier 1
The first identifier denotes the type of organic structure.
The three possibilities are I for Individual, A for android and
NA for neo-android (the transient class). Definitions for
these classes were covered in chapters 3 and 4 of the text.
Identifier 2
The second identifier is the rank identifier. There are three possibilities,
I1, 12, 13. The symbols are read "Individual of rank 1", etc. This identifier
relates to certain ethical considerations which are discussed elsewhere.
Identifier 3
Identifier three is a one letter code signifying a narrow activity band in use. The basic bands for our purposes are P, Q, G, O, A, and M. The significance of these codes is more logically discussed elsewhere.
I | I1 | P | O | F+ | E+ | S+ | M+ |
NA | I2 | Q | A | F0 | E0 | S0 | M0 |
A | I3 | G | M | F- | E- | S- | M- |
Writing Traces
There are seven K-Factors with four- zero factors. The mechanics of writing a trace for a specific person is to pick out the applicable factor in each of the seven groups and write the symbols as a vector such as (I, I1, P, F0, E0, S+, M+).
The desirable balance factors are all zeros (four zeros) and the desirable identifier codes are I, I1 and 0.
In practical reality, the four balance factors usually go to zero in order, i.e., F, then E, then S then M. Also there is usually no need to write traces for NA and A so I is presumed.
So, for shorthand, it is convenient to, say for the sample trace above, to write I1K4 or, more simply, 14.
A completely desirable trace would be (I, I1, O, F0, E0, S0, M0) which
written simply would be I1K7 or 17.
The Human population is divided into three basic groups of genetic classes, which are further divided, and additionally there are special classes. The basic groups are (1) the "Star" group; (2) the "Flower" or "plant" group and (3) the advanced animal group.
The Star Group
Genetics in the Star Group are classified as follows:
Ultra-Super | US | Red/Blonde | Hazel |
Super-Ultra | SU | Red | Blue |
Ultra | U | Blonde | Blue |
Super | S | Brown | Hazel |
The Flower Group
All Brown-Black eyed persons with white skin are considered in the
Flower group. Any presence of green with the brown is considered
in the Star Group.
The advanced animal group
The advanced animal group consists of all beings which we accept as human who do not have white skin. Typical genetics are black skin, black hair, and black eyes. Eyes showing any sign of green or blue pigmentation in this group are counted as a special class, apart from the three major groups.
Now there are people who don't fall into any of these groups. Some fall into special classes discussed elsewhere and, of course, there are some who do not fall into any class and are just "flukes" found in any attempt to systematically classify things in nature, e.g., say some person with one brown eye and one blue eye.
Advanced people know that since people are really an intelligence in temporary possession of a body it is not fair to say that one person or group is better than another as the intelligence of all of us, over the melinnia of time, has the same potential for fulfillment.
However, one cannot overlook the realistic fact that, while the naked energy of life may have the same overall potential for fulfillment in the long run, this energy processed through the different genetic classes behaves differently.
There are definite advantages to having certain types of bodies and
severe disadvantages to having others. The advantages and disadvantages
are more obvious in advanced societies.
For many things there is a dual or opposite such that when the thing is combined with its dual the two negate and together become as if they never were. The method of negation, then, is to pair everything which can be with its dual so that it disappears. Those things remaining which have no dual are called Absolute. Those things which can be negated away are relative. They are also unreal.
All mass comes in pairs - mass and anti-mass or negative mass. So,
for all mass there is a negative mass such that when the two are combined
there is no mass. Mass, therefore, is not real.
When mass and the equivalent in negative mass interact so that there
is no mass left there is, however, something left. This is energy.
Bodies are mass. They are not real. What is left, say, a community of
people when their bodies and their physical environment is negated by introducing
an equal quantity of negative mass? The mass goes to energy and the people
go to "intelligent energy".
Most people have by now heard something of relativity and the basic constraints placed upon mass in the environment of space-time. Without getting "mathey", the Einstein model can be explained by the diagram below.
The model is descriptive of the proposed constraints on an object attempting to exceed the speed of light (c). According to the model, as speed approaches c, mass becomes infinitely large, the space the mass takes up becomes infinitely small and time stops. The classic argument is that to try to push the mass beyond c is not possible because the force used to do this becomes mass. These notions suggest a dead end street.
Now in the lab, if you set up a particle accelerator and go close to c the particle seems to follow the Einstein model. One might guess, then, that if you were in a space craft and you wanted to exceed c, that the space craft would behave in a similar fashion to the particle in the lab.
However, one model and the other are not the same. In the lab, the "space ship" particle is powered by an external source from commercial power lines. To generalize to a real "space ship" is to suggest a space craft off somewhere in the middle of nowhere getting its power from a source back here on Earth. This is of course absurd. The point is that in a real craft the power source and the craft are together in the same space-time and in the lab model they are in completely different space-times.
It is hard to accept the notion of a self-propelled vehicle which has a finite mass to begin with accelerating towards c and suddenly having an infinite mass, especially more absurd since the totality of all mass in the universe is finite.
To leave Einstein for bigger and better things, in the diagram above
the implication is that there is a dead end as one accelerates towards
Advanced people know that this is just not true, and the diagram is
more realistically drawn as below (Figure 9-2). The classic equation E=Mc2
is more realistically rewritten
E=Mcn |
where "n" is called the "warp factor" and where n=2 is just a special case.
The "Pyramid Symbol" is one of the basic Universal Translate Symbols.
This is a discussion of the basic implications of the symbol. The schematic
symbol is shown below. This is a rather "rough" drawing and if you wish
to refer to a much "prettier" drawing you might want to refer to the one
on the back of a US $1 bill for the remainder of the discussion.
Major Regions
The symbol divides the two dimensional area of the page into three
regions; namely the A region at the top section, the B region of the bottom
section and the C region of elsewhere.
Break Point
Between the A region and the B region is a break. "Pyramid" is sliced in half at this point.
Consider a group of people in the 101 band. These people are in the C region, walking around on the ground at the base of the pyramid. Then, they start to climb up, go into the B region and the 202 band. They climb and climb and get to a plateau at the top of the B region. This is the break point, the "Q" line. Now there is no straight forward way to get from the B region to the A region, which is 301.
Rather than draw this symbol, we usually just write the letter "A" which is the same symbol if you look closely.
Consider the basic Pyramid Symbol and its mirror image as drawn schematically
In the expanded symbol, we see certain concepts which have been
discussed elsewhere. The overall notion is a "trip" involving the passage
through a barrier (Q-Line) followed by a gate (XC) followed by a barrier
and so on.
The shorthand notation for the diagram is to write NCCXCCC. This shorthand is called "Universal Code" and is simpler to use than "Universal Translate Symbols" which it represents.
The "N" Codes are important in "Spirit Mechanics" which is discussed elsewhere.
In the Universal Code, "XC" and the notion of a "Gate" and the Gate
Symbol convey equivalent meanings.
In the natural model, after positive and negative mass is synthesized from the source energy, it is physically placed apart and each primitive mass forms a Universe according to the classic "Big Bang" theory and the appropriate natural laws.
This creates a situation as shown above. Time-out concerns two basic
notions. The first, concerns the concept of the balance between the gravitational
forces and their action to "pull" the expanding universe back together
and the momentum of the "Big Bang" to spread the components apart. The
second, which is not generally discussed, is the position of the dual universe
and the mutual attraction between them which eventually causes time-out
as the two systems collide.
In the dimensional model, after positive and negative mass is synthesized
from the source energy, it is separated dimensionally instead of physically.
In this way, as long as the dimensional barrier is maintained, the system
cannot time-out but once the field is removed all is gone in the twinkling
of an eye.
The natural model is essentially a free-running system. Once started, it proceeds unattended according to its internal rules until time-out. The dimensional model requires attention, however. From the standpoint of a bird and its nest, in the natural model the bird makes its nest and leaves - whatever happens happens. In the dimensional model the bird stays until there is no need for a nest any more.
From the control standpoint, the dimensional model is much nicer to
use because the creating being can exercise continuing absolute control
through manipulation of the dimensional barrier. For example, if it became
necessary or desirable to just eliminate one plan and leave everything
else more or less intact, one would proceed in the fashion shown below.
The planet and its dual would be brought together within an inter dimensional
corridor. This ends all mass and leaves the free life energy of any beings
trapped within the corridor. Here, they are at the mercy of the creating
being for whatever he feels is appropriate.
COMPARTMENTATION is the notion associated with the "pigeonholing" of ideas, groups of ideas, and notably people, in such a manner that the feeling of totality or completeness is negated. The resulting "compartments" are functional units, but not complete, and the people have what they need but not necessarily what they want. The incompleteness generated by compartmentalization generates dependence on other "compartments" so that the parts cannot exist without the whole.
The symbol above, with the pattern extended, is the Universal Translate
Symbol for "Compartmentalization".
Compartmentation comes in natural and man-made varieties and we will touch on the basic aspects of both.
Natural Compartmentation
Natural Compartmentation concerns those boundaries which exist in nature, and would exist whether or not man existed or not. The main boundaries are:
Compartmentation of the Universe Boundary (U-Line)
Compartmentation of the Galaxy Boundary (G-Line)
Compartmentation of Space-Time (T-Line)
Transient forms of Compartmentation
The significant transient form of Compartmentation is the separation of the "Q-Line" in social cultures where this is relative. We refer to the "Q-Line" as a transient form because in advanced societies all intelligence is above the line and therefore it is no longer relevant.
Synthetic forms of Compartmentation
The synthetic forms of Compartmentation are those imposed by man on
man. They are purely arbitrary and quite complex, especially in primitive
societies. Man is quite inventive when it comes to methods of preventing
others from looking here or going there (because...) and of providing rationale
for justifying the methods. There is no need to make a long list of these
methods for it would prove Quite lengthy and limited only by imagination.
In a group situation, with beings using bodies, the beings enter and leave the group through the 414 type experience of birth and death.
The General Equation of Birth (Spirit Mechanics)
Recall from our discussion of the Pyramid Symbolism the notation of
the A, B, and C region. In General, in a T-Space such as Earth, between
two adults having children, one would guess the father to be on A and the
mother to be on B. This guess is logical because of the normal genetic
drive due to the genetic imbalance of an XY type male leading to a search
compulsion and A) and the balance of an XX female (leading to satisfaction
on B). .Now assuming all this, we write the general equation as:
1A4 * 1B4 = 1C4 |
where * is the notion of a Tensor Cross.
The 1 and 4 are expressions of the notion of the process used to get people in bodies, a 4 from 1 (unit) as we split first to get mass + AND - from energy and then again to get male and female (XX/2 = XX + XY)
In this general form, the children are born C, which is at the bottom of the ladder, below the "Q" line and so necessitating years of training to re-establish TI Channels lost in the mismatch 414 of childbirth.
Special Case of a Child Born on A
However, it does not necessarily have to be this way. In an advanced society all members are on A, so the equation becomes:
In the mechanics, when two advanced adults mate, they love, and with their love they request their child. The request (on TI) provides a bridge to bring the spirit to whom they are offering a body through the 414 with TI unbroken. So, the child is born complete with the totality of knowledge from the beginning of time. A child born this way is called "Starred" or a "Star-Child" and is a very beautiful thing to have.1A4 * 1A4 = 1A4
Although uncommon in primitive cultures it is routine in advanced societies.
In fact, children born on B and C were never intended, it was loss of the
knowledge early on which used this aberration here on Earth, e.g., and
it may be melannia before it is corrected.
Within the compartmentalized regions of the Space-Time continuum, there are certain "rules of the road" which are commonly called "Natural Laws". Perhaps the most significant of these is Time. These compartmentalized regions are called "Interspace", and in these regions the "Natural Laws" hold true.
Things which do not operate according to the laws of Interspace are said to operate in "SUBSPACE". There are many such things, such as the ESP phenomena which operate independent of a "time factor" and other observable phenomena which are described as "instantaneous", etc., and go against all "traditional logic".
The Universal Translate Symbol for "Interspace" is:
And so, logically, the Universal Translate
Symbol for "SUBSPACE" is:
When intelligence has life experiences in "SUBSPACE", in the nomenclature of 101, 202, etc., these experiences are called "Type 5".
Experiences involving "warp-traps", interdimentional spaces, and the like are examples of type "5" experiences. An interdimention trip, e.g., would be a 515 in the standard nomenclature of Universal Coding.
Because SUBSPACE is time-independent, it is a convenient place to operate when movement or communication would be seriously inhibited by time-dependence. Communication is not difficult (TI Channels operate in subspace and are available to all advanced people on a shared basis) however, movement can be a problem. It is important to be familiar with the rules, especially the "escape codes" when using SUBSPACE for physical types of trips or you may not return.
The coding system used in SUESPACE is the URIVERSAL TONE CODE, and like the Translate Symbols, and other codes it is recognized by all who are members of the so called "advanced people". The Tone Code is data, and it is available on 301, which comes well before one is ready to do a type 5. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with the code at that developmental level because in some regions of SUBSPACE, the 301 channel may be blocked and one could be lost essentially forever.
The basic code for "escape" is HQCQ and the basic code to request information is "NPTFTS" (Now Please Translate For This System), however the code refers to a sequence of tones and not written data.
The tones for HQCQ are similar to those used in the song "Scarlet Ribbons"
and the tomes for NPTFTS are similar to those in the theme from "Billy
A GALAXY-SECTOR is a compartmentalized region of the Universe. GALAXY-SECTORS (GS) are identified by a standard code having the general formGALAXY- SECTORS
where N is the standard identifier for space, x is a one digit code signifying sophistication level, and yyy is a three digit code.N -x- yyy
In the nomenclature the x identifier is usually 6, 3, or 0. The type 6 Galaxy Sector is the lowest level of development and the code N6 is used in cases where life is destabilized, showing evidence of severe social instability due to "Q" Line transition problems and the routine effects of T-Space.
The type 3 Galaxy Sector is an A-Space type system with no significant evidence of Q-Line problems and inhabited by advanced people using bodies.
The type 0 Galaxy Sector is a physical space, but with beings who no longer need to use bodies (Type I beings) and so there is no corporal life.
The Galaxy-Sector containing planet Earth is commonly called N-6-129.
used to identify a particular individual. The code is dynamic, and subject to continuous revision as a function of time.A UNIVERSAL IDENTIFIER is a code having the general form N xx- yyy
In the nomenclature, the identifier N is for space, the xx is a two
letter code fixed by genetics, subject to change with a change of bodies,
and the yyy is a three digit code for class rank, subject to change throughout
an individual's life in a fixed body.
A FUNCTION IDENTIFIER is a four digit code for general use in forming logical classifications. The code has the general form xxyy where xx is a two digit code corresponding to the activity band code (compressed) so that for 202 we would write 22, 301, write 31, etc. and the yy represents a two digit code for sub-class.FUNCTION IDENTIFIERS (UNIVERSAL SERIES)
This code is also called the "Symbol code" and is used in I-Maps discussed
When earlier we discussed methods. of searching for absolutes, we noted that energy and specifically intelligent energy would remain if mass were negated by pairing it with it's anti-form.
Intelligent energy or just Intelligence, to be less formal, is an absolute. In the language of Images and Sources, we say that Intelligence is a "Source" and the things which come from the Source (Intelligence) are the Image (of the source).
Sources create Images and operate through Images but they are not Images. Intelligence creates mass and operates through. mass but it is not mass. And there is no guarantee that mass will be around forever- in fact there is a pretty certain guarantee that it will not. However, Intelligence is timeless and non-negateable as opposed to mass which comes in duals which exist only as long as they are kept apart and collapse to energy when you put them together..
Images exist at the pleasure of Sources for their use in the course
of development. We can approximate a Source by looking at its Image(s)
but the approximation is never totally equivalent to the source. For example,
we can speculate upon what an "Egyptian" (old Egyptian) might be by looking
at Pyramids and trying to guess what mind built them and why, etc. We can
even dig up some pretty well preserved bodies. But the Source is gone.
These are the Image of Source and they tell us that that at some point
Source passed through here and that Source saw some needs and fulfilled
them using these Images - but Source (Intelligence and Motive) are elusive.
An.. I-Map (Intelligence Map) is a handy way to graphically illustrate certain concepts that we have been discussing. In an I-Map, the "symbol code" which we touched on elsewhere is used to create a matrix or grid on which characteristics of societies are easily seen.
Recall, that in the symbol code, the classic markers such as the 101, 202, etc. activity bands are shortened to two digits - 11, 22, etc. and to this we add two additional digits. The two additional digits are for "SPREAD" or a measurement of how much into the (101, 202, etc.) trip you may be.THE SYMBOL CODE
An unprofessional definition of what we mean by a CORRIDOR- is that a corridor is a place between two limits where a person is smart enough to see the bait and dumb enough to take it. Being more practical and formal, corridors can be specifically defined by the Symbol Code.
To get the "hang" of specifying corridors, e.g., we can call the 202 activity band the "22 corridor". This "corridor" like the general idea of the -word "corridor", stretches out in both directions but not "up and down". The two boundaries (up and down) are the limits which form the corridor. We can specify these limits with the symbol code.
Additionally, if we entertain the idea of blocking the corridor at two points along its "spread" we can convert the corridor into what we call a COMPARTMENT. And, we can write the two ends of this compartment also using the symbol code.
When we set up a matrix of "upness and downness" vs. "spread" we can draw a I-Map on the matrix and this is a simple pictorial two-dimensional array representing a situation which is quite complex.
To illustrate by example what a typical I-Map might we present one
showing the status of U.S. Society. This is a convenient example, since
we live here and so are familiar with the basic set.
On the Map, we also show the complete matrix in case anyone would care
to see what else is available outside of the "compartment" in which most
people get born, grow old, and die.
We have discussed elsewhere the notion of intelligent energy and we have discussed the interface of intelligent energy with images. Intelligent energy, or spirit, apart from association with an image system, is free to travel according to the constraints of forces and lines of forces in the Universal matrix. Certain notions in "vector mechanics" are useful in making models and predicting courses and directions.
An intelligent energy configuration alone is not constrained by the usual forces which we associate with mass (image) systems such as gravity, etc. However this does not mean that it is completely unconstrained. The constraint(s) on an intelligent energy configuration (or a spirit,- if you prefer) are directly related to certain internal characteristics of the spirit. These characteristics are mainly associated with the notion of balance. We covered the main idea of balance when we went through "K-Factors" earlier. These internal characteristics can "bind" the spirit to a fixed point or they can let the spirit "slide"(dimensionally restrained) or they can allow the spirit to do essentially anything it wants to do (in the line of travel).
In standard vector mechanics the notions of a "free-vector", a "sliding vector" and a "bound vector" which are useful in, e.g., engineering mechanics, are equally useful in the notion of Spirit Mechanics.STANDARD VECTOR MECHANICS NOMENCLATURE
The concept of a bound vector would be used to model a spirit bound to a fixed point in the Universe (due to dependencies or inadequacies in balance). For, example, the classic notion of a spirit which is "Earth-bound"
The concept of a sliding vector would be used to model a spirit which could "slide" along a force line but could not leave the line. A special case would be intelligent energy using an artificial corridor (the rotating field projecting into space from three-phase power transmission lines such as those which run essentially all over the country is an example of an "artificial corridor")
The concept of a free vector would be a perfectly balanced spirit
such as the "balanced-quad" configuration of a Type-I being. There would
be no relevant constraints on where such a being could go.
We did not attempt to go into any advanced math in the text however
we present this link-notion so that a reader who is familiar with, say,
tensor analysis, celestial mechanics, and other such "cute" tools cam appreciate
that they have uses beyond the humdrum everyday "engineering" uses.
When technology was synthesized, the people who did this saw certain needs or desires that required fulfillment. They created what is commonly called "technology" to do this. By special example, we will use the representative group of needs "communication, transportation, and health". These are not a complete list, but they will serve the purpose of example.
People saw technology as an answer to these needs. However, it is not
necessarily the only answer or the best answer.
Technology is really a "sublimation" to fulfillment. By this it is meant that it is a "next best" or "I can't get there but I can get close" concept. The basic motivations which lead to the synthesis of technology can never be completely fulfilled by technology.
Using our examples, communication, transportation, and health, we know that technology facilitates desires in these areas but we also see, emerging on the set, certain abilities that have always existed that make technology "obsolete" - and quickly.
To begin with communication - a sublimation of the original ability to communicate telepathically. When the old knowledge is recalled, all those phones and teleprinters and radios become meaningless toys - and telepathic communication is independent of time, whereas technology is limited to the speed of light minus efficiency (c-e).
Moving on to transportation, well if' you can do astral projection you can go where no plane or bus can - and there's an added bonus - it is free - like all the other "best things in life" it is totally free.
And last to health. Well, what about it. If you can do all the advanced things - good health usually "just comes" but health refers to the state of the body which you do not really need to exist anyway - you can get another one or just trip on off as pure spirit.
So, when we speak of the "end of the age" we speak of a time when the original solutions are again available and the "compromise", "sublimation-type" solutions are left scattered about as toys with no one to use them - the real is so much better - and it lasts much longer - and it is totally free.
Now, technology could "go out with a bang", or it could just grind to a halt and stop, or it could do something in between. But it will go. Once the sophistication level reaches a point where the "old knowledge" is within grasp, the age of technology is in its last days.HOW WILL IT HAPPEN ?
When we began section 3, we pointed out that we would be attempting to inch our way into-- the vicinity of "Unit Knowledge". We won't get there, of course, but we will get close enough to generate a reasonable probability that some reader may "jump" from where we leave off to "Unit". Unit, as we said, is elusive. However, for what it's worth, if you see Unit, you will know it is Unit.
A good schematic for the structure of knowledge is a pyramid. We can label the top of the pyramid "Unit". Since Unit cannot be described as such, we want to look and see what is just below "Unit" because it can be described.
The closest thing below unit in contemporary science is a concept called "Unified Field Theory" which is theoretically the union of Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, etc.- all explained by a single group of "laws" or "hypotheses". Unified Field Theory has not (at least not publicly) been enumerated - it is the "official goal" of science.
We pause hereto point out that every "classic field" of knowledge is associated with a "transcendental component". Lets go through this with an example. Consider Chemistry. The chemist in his little lab mixing up things, guessing or predicting what will happen, writing down formulas and rules to predict and explain, etc. The "transcendental component" of what the Chemist is doing is classically called "Witchcraft". The Chemist is working in a physical "realm". He sees the things he uses as mass and the interactions as a physical effect.
The Witch, say, for want of a better word, works with the same things but when he is in his little "lab", mixing things up, guessing or predicting what will happen, writing down formulas, etc., he is looking not at the "physical" compound or element, but at the "electric and magnetic" field or "aura" which exists in the neighborhood of the compound or element. The physical "mess" that results from what he does would "delight" the Chemist (who can't see the aura and does not know it is there) but Witch is oblivious to this and seeks a result in the "electric/magnetic" interface with whatever force he is playing with.
Consequently, when we use the schematic of a pyramid to show the structure of knowledge, we must remember that there are really two pyramids slightly dimensionally apart and that this dual pyramid is the structure, and not just the single dimension model. It is hard to draw multi-dimentional figures, but the human mind can conceive them quite well and so we will leave it there and not try to make a figure.
Unit Knowledge implies classical knowledge and the transcendental components and a few additional things involving interrelationships.
We certainly do not propose to start listing field after field of classical knowledge and transcendental component here, but we do want to point one in the direction of the "ballpark".
Recall, earlier, when we touched on the standard nomenclature for Galaxy Sectors, that in an N-0 sector we would find beings who were comfortable as intelligent energy configurations and had out grown their need to use physical bodies. Here, we want to go a bit more into the type N-0 sector.
The beings in a N-0 Galaxy Sector, in the nomenclature of 101, 301, etc., are doing their type. "6" experience. In this experience, the beings are called type "I" and the general model for their structure is a "balanced-quad" type arrangement which would look like an "X" in two dimensions. The mathematical model for the structure would be a tensor of rank 4, however, we did not discuss advanced math in this text and the picture of the balanced quad is sufficient to get the basic idea.
In N-0, beings are making final preparations to cross the Final Gate and clear from the Universe. The sophistication of the intelligence on either side of the Gate is essentially equal but the act of cross over includes a change in the structure of the energy from the balanced quad (Type I) to the extremely stable type "O" configuration which has permanent stability.
A type I is still subject to destabilization but a type 0 simply cannot be de-stabilized. Consequently, as the being crosses Final Gate and is changed from I to 0 it passes the point beyond which there is no return ahead is totality forever.
Things relevant to activities beyond Universe Boundaries are covered in The General Theory or Absolutes in Chapter 10.
Recall from previous discussions that in an N-3 Galaxy sector advanced people have thoroughly mastered the 31 and 41 corridors and therefore freely interface with their bodies. Also, because of this, they freely interface with N-0 galaxy sectors and there is a minimal "boundary" between the two. N-3 is distinguished from N-0 from the low level observation that corporal life still exists in N-3 but is absent in N-0 and by other defining characteristics to which we will now turn our attention.
On an I Map, an N-3 sector is wholly above the Q-line. This fact has certain (very nice) implications. First, since the Q-line is the boundary between the classic forces of "good" and "evil" and an N-3 sector is well away from the corridor where the conflict is most vicious, the beings in an N-3 can live oblivious to the forces and even to the knowledge of good and evil.
At the level of mastery common in N-3 sectors, beings feel only the onward and upward surges which lead eventually N-0, the final gate, and totality and fulfillment. Negative forces are minimal or non-existent.
In N-3 sectors, beings using bodies would be at a level of total mastery of the birth and death mechanics used in changing bodies. Therefore, it would be a pure A-Space with the equation always being 1A4 * 1A4 = 1A4.
An N-3 social order shows stability and systematic "smooth" transcendence as it clears to N-0 as a function of time. The society has little need for "technological toys" found in low level systems and each individual has the power to direct his destiny. This is not a gift - it is an earned state of competence, understanding and mastery of the forces of the universe, and balance.
Anv individual has the potential to do this if he will choose his course
and maintain the desire and will to follow through.
N-0 and N-3 galaxy sectors are rather simple to describe. Here, locked onto universal references, competent beings move towards fulfillment The N-6-Galexy sector, however, is more complex. It is not more complex to describe because beings are more sophisticated but, paradoxically, because they are less sophisticated and may be in essentially total ignorance.
There are two logical ways to "get to" a N-6 type configuration - from the "top down" and from the "bottom up". We will begin from "the top down" because it is much easier as from the top you can see the bottom, but from the bottom you cannot see the top.
Let us begin with a stabilized N-3 configuration. The system "works" as it does because the beings are in touch ("locked on") to universal markers and follow natural law.
Now suppose someone "forgets" (or whatever) to do this. In an N-3 parents, e.g., must balance the fields to bring a child through on A. Suppose we are in an N-3 and someone forgets to do this. A child comes out on B or C.
As shown schematically above, failure to balance the field has closed a gate at each end (XC) and thrown the child down below the Q-line. This is a rough trip and a severe psychic shock. At this point technically the Galaxy Sector must be re-classified as "N-6- transient".
Now, child, running around on C-band simply does not know what a universal marker is, has fallen into the 101 activity band, and to him the rest of the people look like "freaks" of some type.
As a practical example of the "image" of the fall or psychic shock in an N-6 sector, note that essentially all children have blue eyes at the moment of birth and that sometimes they stay that way but usually they fall to green, to brown, and then to darker and darker brown as the "fall" continues. Of course you can stop at any point or not fall at all, for what its worth.
To continue with decompensation, Child, as an "adult child" would have
more C band children because he would have no knowledge of how to balance
fields or even that they exist at all. So, if this process continued, eventually
a substantial percentage of the beings would be below the Q-line and a
substantial percentage above the line on the "other side".
Having reached now a 50-50 point, say, with population divided equally above and below the Q-Line, we have an ideal model for N-6-Transient.
The primary key to understanding what will predictably happen in an N-6-Transient type configuration is the implication of the Q-Line passing through the center of the population as it would appear schematically on an I-Map Since logical conclusions and interpretations from a point above the line are essentially exactly the opposite of those from a point below the line, in the neighborhood of the line there will be vicious conflict. And, since the line divides the society, one can predict a state of constant war.
In the "battle",each side, in it's "own reality" is right and from each (opposite) standpoint there is a survival-linked drive to obliterate the other side.
People from the N-3 side, recalling the "bliss" of a life in harmony with the Universe know the N-6 group are in a "dangerous state of ignorance".
People from the N-6 side, having forgot all of the advanced-knowledge, conclude logically that it "does not exist" and, unable to comprehend how N-3 people think, see them as a threat to their security.
Now, battles do not last forever and so there eventually develops two possibilities. First, the stabilized N-3 configuration could triumph and the system would be re-classified N-3. We have already covered stabilized N-3, so we will now cover possibility two which is a stabilized N-6.
In a stabilized N-6 configuration, the entire population has been pulled down below the Q-Line. Therefore the conflict has ended. In a stabilized N-6, unfortunately, much more than the conflict has also ended.
In its final form, a stabilized N-6 has these main defining characteristics: First, as people get born and die, there is always a random chance that somehow the old knowledge would be recalled; to eliminate this, a stabilized N-6 usually has worked out how to keep bodies alive indefinitely. To compensate for the possibility that someone might "tune in" and lock onto a universal reference, it is usually found that the population has been surgically, genetically, or chemically altered so that they are so far out of balance that this cannot happen. Since the primary corridor is the 22 corridor (image band), there is predictably a high level of technology and dependence upon external devices in the search of fulfillment.
The motivation here is that in an N-6 stabilized, the beings recall
intuitively the real desires of life, but having forgot the real and accepted
the image band as the real band, they constantly strive for a fulfillment
that will never come. Everything they do is a sublimation of a real motivation.
Since they have forgotten the "real answer" to the "real motivation", they
sublimate and choose an image answer since the answer is not real, they
are never satisfied with it and generate "hoards" of technology filling
the 22 corridor in the course of the futile search.
Seen from the outside an N-6 stabilized is a sad place although it
is stable and from low level observations looks similar to a N-3 stabilized
it functions as a "spirit trap". There is no escape from it. Without considering
the possibility of outside interference the prognosis for a stabilized
N-6 is very bad.
The beings become inseparable from their images and in time, when the Universe times out, and the images dissolve into oblivion, so the beings go also with their images into oblivion as though they never existed at all.
The theoretical stabilized N-6 configuration is not allowed under IGC Law (discussed elsewhere). Should an N-6 transient space show a predisposition to go to N-6 stabilized, interference is justified at the point where there is no reasonable hope of a spontaneous reversal.
Basically conversion routines involve the execution of AID commands against any I3 life forms, the re-education of 12 life forms, and the enforcement and protection of safe passage for I1 life forms away from the set to a secure area.
The definitions for I1, 12, and 13 are discussed elsewhere.
TSDS Commands are sometimes useful to clear all of the junk (technology)
which has been accumulated in the 22 corridor. A TSDS Command (destruct
sequence) is best accomplished with antimatter but nuclear devices will
work if antimatter is not available.
The General Theory of Absolutes is concerned with the notion of a "blank field" of absolute energy, with a collection of intelligent energy beings which live within the field, and with the specific being in the field who is responsible for the synthesis of the universe in which we exist.
In the beginning, there was a blank field of Absolute Energy. Within the Absolute Energy field "lived" energy beings composed of Intelligent Energy. There was no mass in the field. It became necessary, for the purpose of reproduction, to create a place where new Intelligent Energy could grow and develop until it could exist in the Absolute Field.
This was accomplished by performing an operation on a portion of the
Absolute field to compress the energy and create mass. The result was small
bits of mass and a lot of "empty space" where before there had been a uniform
field. Within the modified field, those things which relate to mass, notably
"time" also existed. The modified space serves the purpose of an egg, providing
an environment in which low level energy can grow using the synthesized
mass as a training aid. It is hoped that as the low level energy, processed
through the training aides of a universe, will become strong and eventually
go to the Absolute Field.
The universe eventually "times out" (time is internal to the system)
and the blank field returns and all mass is gone as though it never had
been. The new Intelligent Energy remains.
The fulfillment of the experience of synthesizing a universe and raising
"children" in this fashion is called the "704 EXPERIENCE".
The two words "Good" and "evil" are two of the most commonly used terms around. We have waited until last to deal with them, because, unless you are in a position to know essentially all that there is to know, you cannot make an absolute distinction between them.
Let us project to a point beyond the universe boundary and balance
all fields. Now, observe the process operating within the universe.
The process operating within the universe is the synthesis of intelligence the one thing that man cannot do. It is not the synthesis of mass, the synthesis of life, or the synthesis of energy. It is the synthesis of intelligence apart from any image - which at the conclusion of the synthesis will leave free for a place in totality- beyond any universe boundary - and beyond any constraint or need of a constraint forever.
The force(s) which contribute to this process are commonly called GOOD and the force(s) which interfere with this process are commonly called EVIL.
A Good force is a generating giving force, so, internally it spontaneously
grows larger. A Good force can exist alone, and, because of the generating
nature it is self-sustaining and increasing.
An Evil force, on the other hand, is a consuming force. Since a "consuming force" needs logically "something to consume", it cannot exist alone - compartmentalized away from all else - it would consume itself and cease to exist. Not wanting to "cease to exist", an evil force must be in the presence of a continuing supply of "things to consume" - such as ignorant forces, good forces, and weaker evil forces, etc. To have a supply of "things to consume", an evil force needs a Good force to generate these things BUT a Good force does not need an evil force to consume things.
Hense, the inherent weakness in the evil force - specifically, that Evil must have Good but Good can exist all alone and be perfectly content. So, in the riddle of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg", we can logically guess that in an environment containing good and evil - Good was there first, although evil could be there last (at least briefly, until it consumed itself).
If, since evil does not need to exist, it never existed, there would be only Good. We name the forces to distinguish them from each other but if there were only Good - there would be no need - to "name it Good" because it would be all there was. Consequently, the "knowledge of Good and Evil" is not a universal concept, because there does not necessarily have to be evil, but if there is going to be anything at all there must be Good.
In systems operating above the Q-line, such as the N-3 Galaxy sectors,
the "concept of good and evil",then, is superfluous.
Knowledge, by itself, is not Good or evil, it is just knowledge. In the use and abuse of knowledge, however, there is the notion of Good and Evil.
Among simple life, below the "Q-Line, there are usually many laws, and at the end of the line there are no laws at all because you won't get there if you weren't meant to.
In the region above the "Q" line and before the final gate, there is only one law, which is commonly called "The Prime Directive, IGC".
The Text is as follows:
"Conspiracy to inhibit the Identity factor of an Individual of Rank
One is not
authorized. The penalty is AID, for all members of the set." |
The penalty "AID" means "Absolute Instant Death" which means that the being is negated, mass and energy, as though he never existed.
The organization responsible for enforcing the Prime Directive is called "IGC".
The notion of "rank" for an Individual is defined as follows:
Rank 1: Has always followed the directive (Good)
Rank 3: Has never followed the directive (evil)
Rank 2: Has been ambivalent (up for grabs)
The basis of the concept embodied by the "Prime Directive" is the notion that the process of fulfillment for all life forms involves growth through the search for truth. To block this search is seen as a betrayal of the intellect and so morally wrong. In the "Directive" the word "inhibit" is used instead of "block" because it is not possible to block (forever) the search, but it is possible to slow it down to a crawl. The right to fulfillment is a fundamental guarantee to all life forms in this Universe and although the road may be rocky, there will always be a road.
The "Prime Directive" cannot be enforced against incompetence, those who are below the "Q" line and are therefore not aware of the true nature of reality, however, above the line it can be enforced. The notion of a violation case, then, is that of one or a group who understands all these things we have been discussing here in Section 3, and then makes the conscious choice to use the intelligence to inhibit the fulfillment of others.
The violation is seen as a universal wrong or a wanton act, e.g., as
the "shooting of the Albatross" in the "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" and
therefore requiring the ultimate penalty.
When we began Section 3 we talked about the 101 experience, then the 202. Finally we reached up to a bit more sophistication and hit 301. From there through 414 and on through type 5 and 6 and we even made it to 704. 704 is a working level.
And beyond 704 is rest - fulfillment and rest.
What is beyond eight. Well what is beyond eight ?
One good "poetic description" of life is a highway - your highway never ends. A little rest at eight and you're on you're way again.
BACK in those days when we were in school, it was common to hear it
said, as it has no doubt by so many through all the mellinia of time, that
this and that "had no meaning" or why learn these things at all.
And when the degree came, there were some who said, "I have mastered this" and others who said "I have learned nothing at all".
Those confident few who had mastered this went out, put up their sheepskin,
and, as time stopped for them lived confidently.
The things they learned made sense because they had forced the sense by rounding the corners and forcing the material to become coherent to reach a conclusion. The problem was that the conclusion was false, and in sophomoric contentment they had woven their nest where they would stay.
We thought back then that they were the lucky ones to have such great comprehension, as we walked through the big gates and on our way with bits of knowledge, but an uncomfortable questioning. The problem was that we were not complete and satisfied but our knowledge, though disorganized, was true.
And time passed.
Then there was this day which the confident, no doubt successful, "masters" were not to see.
This was the hope and the dream of the system. They had always said
"you will need this someday" as they scribbled some bit of trivia on the
board. Some of them knew, they would have told us but we would not understand.
Their fulfillment was in the hope that a handful would go out, with the little bits of truth, to find the whole truth.
Their are those who sit and wait, very patiently, they endure with the same hope, and their fulfillment is the fulfillment of the hope, that this day will come for all mankind.
It is My hope that, with this little book, the day will come sooner.
1. Assuming the Darwinian Theory that man began as a simple, trivial,
life form and gradually progressed, what, if any, is the 'limit', as time
approaches infinity, on the progress of man?
2. Given: 'Anyone will do anything under the right conditions' is true,
draw some basic inferences.
3. If "Adam and Eve" did not have any knowledge of what knowledge did
they have?
4. Disregarding Religious notions, list the "values of life".
5. Considering Religious notions, list the "values of life".
6. Explain the symbolism in the "Great Seal of the United States".
7. Explain the Universal Identification Card.
8. Explain the Universal Translate Symbols.
9. Explain the Universal Code.
10. Is it possible to write a proof that God exists? If so, do it.
11. Analyze the statement; "The Golden Hammer beats down the iron door".
12. Analyze the statement: "People in glass houses should not throw
13. Explain: "Between three and six, when the beam is on the panel..."
14. What would be the level of mentality of a group of people to whom
the following would make good sense: "Hoards of people will come and go
but this solid granite Federal Building will last forever".
15. What is the difference between a Computer and an Individual.
16. What is the difference between a Flower Child and a Star Child?
17. What is the difference between a man and his clone
18. How far can a dog go into the forest?
19. Sometimes when you mis-dial on the telephone you hear the recorded
phrase "this is a recording, TSDS." What does "TSDS" mean?
20. Draw the figure below by making one continuous line, without backtracking
or crossing any other line.
21. In the boxes below, so arrange the digits 1 through 9 (using each
once) that when any group of three numbers, taken vertically, horizontally,
or diagonally, is totaled, the sum equals 15.
22. Symbolically write what you did to solve Question "21" in Universal
23. In the movie "The Graduate", what would you guess finally happened
to "Mrs. Robinson".
24. In the movie "Fahrenheit 451", who are more normal, the "Book People"
or the "Citizens".
25. In the book "1984" by Orwell, explain the relationship between Winston
and Julia before and after they went to room "101".
26. In the movie "Logan's Run", discuss the notion that when the people
went to "carrousel" they were "renewed".
27. In the song "Sounds of Silence" by Simon and Garfunkel, who are the "10,000 people - maybe more"?
28. Explain the ending segments of the movie "2001".
29. Explain the code: " N CC XC CC XC XC XC XC XC XC....
30. Explain the structure of the Universe.
31. Give the procedure for the synthesis of a Universe.